Biggest Loser fell off the wagon!

Six months ago, I won the Biggest Loser contest at my job. I started the Biggest Loser with a weight of 206lbs. The group consisted of about thirty-six people with various weight goals. I won the BL with a weight of 177lbs. I continued to lose weght following the contest. After all, I desired a lifestyle change, not to simply win a contest. Many people congratulated me and stated that I inspired them to want to lose weight. I encouraged them to go for it for their health.

Fast forward five months (Nov/Dec.), I noticed a few close friends in the office losing weight and looking great!. They told me that I really inspired them and thanked me for the weekly encouragment. Now, at this time, I gained about 15lbs of the weight I lost. I was still somewhat monitoring my food intake, but I was eating many snacks instead of complete meals. For example, I often arrived home between 6:30pm and 7:30pm, because of the time, I don't always want to eat a meal. Therefore, I will eat a snack and then another snack. By the time I finished snacking, I could have had a meal.

To make a long story short, I gained weight that I definitely do not want. When I won the Biggest Loser, I was not at my personal goal weight of 139lbs. I am now back on the wagon. After I finish typing this post, I will change my settings and fitness goals to reflect the side road I veered off on.

I welcome any new friends that are on this journey to good health, a walk or run in the park, resisting temptation (i.e. chocolate, ice cream, or lots of pasta w/ cheese), motivation, working out, eating more veggies, or simply looking Marvelous.

Thanks for listening (reading), I feel better already!



  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    Request is on the way!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Your story sounds alot like my own story.
    Also one of my main reasons for wanting to lose weight when I started this journey in 2005 was for my future grandchildren I now have a 21 month old grandson :)
    Sending you a friend request
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    We all have days, weeks and even months when we "fall off the wagon". The important thing is that we realize we have made a mistake and we try to get back on.

    I am new to the MFP and so far the site has made a big impact in how I eat. I am accountable for every piece of food I put into my mouth. MFP has been a big motivator for me and I love to read how it helps others as well.

    Good luck on your journey!! Feel free to add me as a friend and keep on the wagon! :)
  • pixiesx3
    pixiesx3 Posts: 172 Member
    Welcome back!

    Go get it, Girl! Paint that wagon... and the town... RED!
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    You are aware of the speed bumps in your road and done the first step of putting it in words. You can see your down fall and have a new mindset to refocus. Here to help motivate you again. It does take support. The weight can come back with a few days of missing routine, not watching the food and missing fitness plans. Then those few days become a week and then another. Day one, you are starting again. Prepare your food at the start of the day. Dont take the whole pack of mini snacks to work, take a single serve, I found that was my down fall to have the whole box at work. Get into an apple a day again. And water, hunger can also be mistaken for thirst so first off drink a glass of water and wait a few minutes. Regular moving will help you reach your goal again. It's the output we can often let go and only watch our input, our food. If our output is big enough, it isn't going to matter what we are eating. Get yourself a heart rate monitor so you know what you are losing when you are moving. They are awesome motivators. I love mine now and feel great knowing house cleaning can kill some calouries! Best of luck. first step taken - you are on mfp and stating you want to get re focused on a new goal. Never mind the previous ones, this is a brand new goal, a new approach to be taken and a new level of motivation. It seems to work well motivating others here as it comes back in return. We can push each other and encourage for the journey ahead. You go girl!!! Best of luck. cheers Lou
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Congratulations on the weight you did lose and because you did that it means you can do it again. So get back on the wagon and try again. I for one believe if we don't allow ourselves treats every now and then it makes life too hard to keep up with the weight loss, I think if I didn't let myself have the yummy treats SOMETIMES then I would get off the wagon and keep running. Make sure you start having those healthy meals, drink lots of water and plenty of protein and exercise of course. Always keep your food diary and be honest with yourself as to what you have had. If you have a smart phone like the iPhone then download the free MFP app if you don't have it already. Good luck with your new journey
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Congratulations on the weight you did lose and because you did that it means you can do it again. So get back on the wagon and try again. I for one believe if we don't allow ourselves treats every now and then it makes life too hard to keep up with the weight loss, I think if I didn't let myself have the yummy treats SOMETIMES then I would get off the wagon and keep running. Make sure you start having those healthy meals, drink lots of water and plenty of protein and exercise of course. Always keep your food diary and be honest with yourself as to what you have had. If you have a smart phone like the iPhone then download the free MFP app if you don't have it already. Good luck with your new journey
  • 2blossom
    2blossom Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you all for your words of support. Once I really opened up and became honest with myself, I felt so much better. I think that I was feeling guilty because I inspired and encouraged a few friends to get healthy and here I am gaining weight.

    Today was a much better day. I went for a walk and my calorie intake did not go over (yeah for me) :happy: