How to target weight loss at specific body parts?

Hi all,

would like to lose weight on my arms and back. Whenever I start exercising I can feel my pants getting loose but the top always stays the same. My legs look skinny compared to my upper body which just seems to bulge. Would love to wear sleeveless for once in my life.

My mom says that people who enjoy eating meat usually have rounder shoulders and more fleshy around the arms region and those who enjoys eating carbs like rice and noodles usually have a heavier bottom which kind of make sense since I usually eat more meat compared to rice. She read it somewhere on the newspaper.

Any suggestions or exercises you all know to slim down the back and tone arms? Thanks in advance!


  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    You can't target reduce. That is if you want to lose weight, it's your body that dictates where you lose it first. So what you want to do is start some cardio exercises to help with overall fat loss and then do some strength training to help define the muscles underneath. You're not going to get wha you are asking for in this thread. You have to just take weight loss as it comes, wherever it comes. Your body will eventually get to your arms and back.
  • invu
    invu Posts: 11 Member
    You can't reduce specific spots. You're body will choose where it will lose the weight, and you'll just have to ride the coarse until it chooses your arms and back. Strength training in those areas can help with firmness, but it won't make you lose fat from that specific area.
  • Reiral
    Reiral Posts: 20
    You can't target reduce. That is if you want to lose weight, it's your body that dictates where you lose it first. So what you want to do is start some cardio exercises to help with overall fat loss and then do some strength training to help define the muscles underneath. You're not going to get wha you are asking for in this thread. You have to just take weight loss as it comes, wherever it comes. Your body will eventually get to your arms and back.

    Thanks for your advice. I am doing cardio (treadmill) and strength training for the arms in hope to lose fats from that part. Oh well, I just hope it gets to that part faster. Usually have to wear L or XL for top and M for shorts. So I was hoping to lose weight around those regions.
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    Even Jillian Michaels will say, you cant spot reduce. You can tone those problem areas, but if you want to reduce fat, then its based on your diet and exercise
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    You can't spot reduce, but I've noticed using the elliptical I've been losing everywhere (back a lot more slender than before). Think its because you use your upper and lower body.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Sorry to break the bad news, but though we can spot tone by targeting specific muscles, we can't spot reduce fat.

    And beware any supposed guru or sales scam that claims otherwise. People are cheated every day by those targeting vulnerable dupes who think the right powder, pill or device will work wonders against all science and objective reality.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    No can do... just burn off the fat and it will fall off wherever it wants to first... but you can do it quickly... try hard running! worked for me! Now i'm starting to do weight AS WELL to tone up the areas that look a bit weak!
  • You can't target reduce. That is if you want to lose weight, it's your body that dictates where you lose it first. So what you want to do is start some cardio exercises to help with overall fat loss and then do some strength training to help define the muscles underneath. You're not going to get wha you are asking for in this thread. You have to just take weight loss as it comes, wherever it comes. Your body will eventually get to your arms and back.

    Thanks for your advice. I am doing cardio (treadmill) and strength training for the arms in hope to lose fats from that part. Oh well, I just hope it gets to that part faster. Usually have to wear L or XL for top and M for shorts. So I was hoping to lose weight around those regions.

    you should strength train all of your body....try to alternate your upper and lower on different days
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Everyone says you cannot target weight loss to specific body parts. This is completely untrue.
    If your legs are too big, you can just cut them off for example. Bam.. weight reduced.
  • my body has shaped up - from the ankles up, first my calves were getting to look great and as I continued to exercise I saw muscles coming to my front of my legs and above my knees, and then my bum and inner thighs started to define, and (hope hope hope hope hope) my abs and stomach will very soon start showing dimples..... amen.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Hi all,

    would like to lose weight on my arms and back. Whenever I start exercising I can feel my pants getting loose but the top always stays the same. My legs look skinny compared to my upper body which just seems to bulge. Would love to wear sleeveless for once in my life.

    My mom says that people who enjoy eating meat usually have rounder shoulders and more fleshy around the arms region and those who enjoys eating carbs like rice and noodles usually have a heavier bottom which kind of make sense since I usually eat more meat compared to rice. She read it somewhere on the newspaper.

    Any suggestions or exercises you all know to slim down the back and tone arms? Thanks in advance!

    I spent the first 31 years of my life eating more meat than anything and I was then and still am (now that I'm a vegetarian) a perfect hourglass. Your body shape is genetic.

    You will eventually lose weight in the areas you want to lose it in, but as everyone said, you can't pick and choose where the fat comes off and in what order.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Everyone says you cannot target weight loss to specific body parts. This is completely untrue.
    If your legs are too big, you can just cut them off for example. Bam.. weight reduced.
    OK, I concede. I can admit when I'm wrong. ;-)
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    stay away from PINK weights at the gym if you want to see results in your legs, arms and back. You won't look like a bodybuilder if you go BLACK heavy weights., challenging your body is the best way to get results. If you go home after strength training and your muscles aren't sore, you need to go harder to see results.