Christmas Cards



  • cpow81
    cpow81 Posts: 114
    I send a holiday card with a picture of my daughter on it. I don't include a letter or anything.
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Never heard Christmas letters referred to as "brag letters"! :( I love receiving cute letters that update us on how people are doing and what they have been up too. But I don't talk to most of the extended family members I exchange cards with very often. But that's just me.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Gosh some miserab;e people here!

    I send out cards... the "generic ones" with a quick message... I want people to know I'm thinking about them at Christmas and spread a little Christmas cheer!

    To know someone is just chucking it because I didn't include a long message is a horrible thought... I'm sending a card to a person (as many are) to remind you I'm thinking of you at Christmas. I've had to buy those cards from my hard earned cash and write out each and everyone and the address, buy the stamps, walk out in the cold to the postbox to post them...the least you could do is find a little spot for it with your collection of cards... or because it's not a posh card I'm not worthy ... SNOBBISH!

    We hang up all our Christmas cards on ribbon at home, it's nice to know so many people thought about us at Christmas, normally we'll have thought of every single person too... sometimes it's just nice.

    Not everyone wants a life story and actually... the people I send them too I keep in touch with throughout the year so there's no need for an "update" in the card. They're a phoneline/e-mail/walk/drive/text etc away...
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I send out cards to people I don't see on a regular basis. I do not include letters of how darn skippy perfect or unperfect my life or my family's life is. I find it annoying and rude when people do. If the people were close enough to you, they would know, whats going on in your life. Christmas is a time to wish happiness and cheer, not to do a family update.

    I enjoy sending cards to random people because they normally would not expect it!!!

    SNAP!!! read my post here!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I send a Christmas card to my mom with her gift, and to...ummm...that's about it. I toss all the cards I get, so I know others do the same, so why bother sending them? Christmas is a really annoying holiday for me. Give me Halloween any day!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I send them almost every year. I say ALMOST because I make my own and send over 100 so some years I just don't get to it. I enjoy the process of making them, so I'm not offended if others throw them out. I find I spend less making them than I would if I bought the ones at the store that I like! Close family and friends get an extra special card which is normally a lot of work to make so I only do about 15. Some years I do the note thing and others just the card. I really enjoy reading the letters I get and catching up with friends and family that live far. The best letter is always from my Aunt who lives in Little Rock. She has this way of spinning something really crappy to sound like it's AWESOME! Makes for good laughs btw DH and I!

    I say send the cards from last year. Lot's of people take a photo from the previous year and send it. I enjoy getting photos of all the kids I know as well!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Hubby and I sign and send them every year. We really only send to immediate family and aunts and uncles. We don't have children but we do include a little personal note in each one.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I make my own cards every year
    I think homemade cards are extra special and lovely.

    I like to make things for gifts, when I'm capable. I can't say what I'm making this year, because some recipients are on MFP, but I make lots of my gifts every year. And not like a something that's homemade for the sake of being homemade. I only make things for people I know they'll love AND find useful. Otherwise it feels like a cop out.