New to the website

hey guys, im gonna try this out because a friend referred it to me. I need some motivation. I work from home, so that i can be here with my daughter. the phone rings all day, and i have to be here to answer it. so any ideas for exercise? and i need a good diet plan. i think thats one of my main problems. i dont know what to eat? does anyone have a good practice menu i can steal?? thanks for all the help!!!


  • Bjackson18
    hey guys, im gonna try this out because a friend referred it to me. I need some motivation. I work from home, so that i can be here with my daughter. the phone rings all day, and i have to be here to answer it. so any ideas for exercise? and i need a good diet plan. i think thats one of my main problems. i dont know what to eat? does anyone have a good practice menu i can steal?? thanks for all the help!!!
  • KariandCo
    KariandCo Posts: 29
    Good for you for taking the steps to get healthy! Especially before you've got twice the weight to lose!!

    I'm a single mom of two, and I work full-time. My biggest downfall is lack of planning! That, and a lack of time. I don't have a diet plan, exactly, but there are a few rules of thumb that help keep me on track -

    Get servings for tomorrow ready tonight... it's worth the extra 10 minutes before bed.

    At least two big glasses of water as soon as I wake up, then a breakfast with a good serving of protein to keep me moving (yogurt, eggs, etc).

    I eat veggies & fruit ALL DAY LONG. Gotta watch the fruits though, 'cause some of them are higher in calories than others. And I don't feel badly about using dips, either - lots of great low-cal dressings out there to zest things up. Constant eating doesn't make me feel deprived.

    My dietician recommended a general rule of thumb that at lunch and dinner, half the plate should be green. This has helped a lot. I know, I know... more veggies. But try them different ways, mix it up - my current favorite is grilled or sauteed anything in a little olive oil & greek seasoning. Or use cooking spray. Just did that to my mushrooms & peppers for my eggs this morning, yum! Again, if you get a lot of flavor in there, you won't feel as deprived.

    Go to for great low-cal dinner recipes that actually taste good! And finally, sugar free jello and lite cool whip are a necessity!

    10 minute brisk walks or jumping rope, 20 minutes with dumbbells... anything's than better than nothing, and it all adds up! Check the exercise database - I was floored that treading water (something I can do when I take my kids swimming at the Y in the evenings) burns almost 400 calories in 45 minutes for me! That's another entire meal!

    You can do this... and if you feel like you can't, just post - this is a great community!
  • coreysmommy2005
    Hey woman!!! I'm glad you joined!!!!! We'll do this together!!! I already told you what I ate, but you'd be amazed that egg whites have almost no calories! If you really need something in the morning you could make an egg sandwich with just egg whites, and fat free cheese, or just the egg.
    The water thing is a huge problem for me!!! I try all day, and sometimes I get in the 8 glasses and other times not!
    Anyhow, I'll add you to my friends! Can't wait to get our sexy back together!!!!!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hi girls,
    New to this site. I was on another (MCC) and was getting annoyed the site. Too complicated. Seems like a bunch of great people on this site. Need to lose around 30 more pounds by July 12th. (sis in laws wedding). I also have my summer vacation at the end of June, my 20 year high school reunion and a disney trip in october. Lots of things happening this year that has finally kicked me in the butt to get me started on a better way of living!
    Jennifer (from CT)