Not new, but need some more friends...

Hi everyone! I joined in August, I 'm pretty sure anyway, and have been off and on this weight loss thing for the past few years. I am a mother of 2, a girl and a boy, and so it can get difficult at times to stay on track. This time around I started on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, watching what I eat and getting exercise in, and as of this past Friday I have lost 5 pounds! So I'm excited about that, and it's given me the motivation to keep going. I'm looking for some new friends as I have lost a lot of mine from being MIA for a while, which I completely understand. I'm looking for people who will motivate me and I will help to motivate you as well. I am a rather big girl so I do have a LONG journey ahead of me, and so I'm gonna needs some friends that are in this for the long haul, so feel free to add me if you'd like and have a good day everyone! :)
