over calories for the day - should i miss evening meal?

It is not quite 5.30pm here and I have eaten over my calories for today. Should I still have some kind of meal this evening? I am not hungry its just that I can not imagine not sitting down to something and know my dad would lecture me if he knew I was 'skipping meals' - yes I'm over 40 but surely I'm not the only one who hears the same old script (even if inside my own head) from parents when it comes to food.


  • merlin87tx

    I've thought about this a lot myself and every source I've spoken to has told me to NEVER skip a meal. Dinner isn't exactly a main one but you should at least eat something small. If you're worried about calories, then find something with a really low calorie count or even nothing, and just kinda munch on it for a little bit. If I've gone over, I usually drink some 0 cal tea and a little bit of popcorn. XD
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I think it depends how many cals you are over and how hungry you are.

    If you're hungry at dinner time, then have something smallish, and make it healthy.
    If you are way over cals already and don't feel like eating, then I wouldn't push it. There is no rule that says you have to eat, just because it's dinner time.

    And remember that unless you have eaten over your maintenance calorie level you still have a calorie deficit, so it isn't a big deal if this happens every now and again.
  • december8teen
    You can either exercise to make room for more calories (if you really must chow down something because of said parent), or you can really just forgo it and drink some water to fill up. But if you're really hungry later, it's ok to eat a little more as long as it's still below your maintainence calories. You'll still lose, but not as much that's all.
  • ilovemyhorse
    Do a workout, and then have a small meal, and lots of water!
  • Zetty
    Zetty Posts: 5
    Only eat if you're hungry, not because you're supposed to. I still suffer from making sure my plate is empty when my stomach is definitely full! It's hard to get over a life time of eating habits, but that's how to lose weight and keep it off. :smile:
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Do a workout, and then have a small meal, and lots of water!

    I second this! You aren't over by that many calories - work out and have a snack, if you're feeling hungry! My favorite snack is pickles - so little calories for a pretty good volume of food!
  • flyawaybyebye
    If you're over your calorie intake for the day, there is no need to eat an evening meal. You should eat when you're hungry, not when the clock says to. And intermittent fasting (which is what you'd do if you waited until breakfast tomorrow to eat again) is good for you. Plus, it will shake your body up, which is a good thing for weight loss. :)
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    workout for a bit and eat. You have a deficit...even if you go over a tad you should be okay.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    If you are not hungry and can sleep then just skip your last meal. If you find you cant' sleep then eat something light like warm milk a piece of toast, etc..