Inconsistancy with workouts...

Hi! I am wondering if anyone else is pretty new to this & is having trouble being consistant with the workouts? I did well the first couple of days (I am using the Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred DVD), and then I got sore & skipped a few days & now I am having a hard time getting back into it. I am a little scared of hurting again. I was so sore I could barely walk for 2 days. Anyone with advice on how to break through this please feel free to share. Thank you :)


  • calipete
    From what you have written I would recommend not pushing yourself so hard - take a slower pace with your exercise. Maybe do the DVD every other day and walk on the other days?? Or (not sure how long the DVDs are but only do half the amount of time each day until you can do it without being sore.

    Hope it helps

  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I worked through the pain, but it's important not to push yourself too much. I started the C25K and 30DS and ended up tearing my calf muscle. That was at the beginning of August, and I still have to watch my leg to make sure I don't irritate it x(

    If it's just typical muscle soreness then work through it. If it feels like something more severe, just take it a little easier, but still do it.

    I still did the 30DS but modified version throughout August and September. Needless to say I stopped running until I healed enough.