cheat day

Does anyone ever allow a cheat day where you can go over your calories a little without hating yourself? especially around the holidays?


  • VinVenture
    I try to be preventative, work out a bit beforehand and cut my portions by 1/3rd. (I can always take a second one if I'm more hungry). Other than that, I don't really count. (So, I'm doomed to go over :D )
  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
    i allow myself cheat days...but not everyone's really up to you if you want to go that route
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I allow myself to cheat a bit without beating myself up about it. It's not a planned thing, though. Just crap happens and we're all human so why be pissed about it, ya know?
  • geekzoid
    Truth is I do cheat like every month. If I can't resist the temptation I just make it to a moderate portion and eat it. I know I enjoyed it but I know I didn't go over. :) Up to you though.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    what I do. like when food shop arrives with my gluten free choc brownies and fresh fruit and veg I eat light that day.. very low cal meals for breakfast, lunch & dinner and usually have exercised to burn at least 500 cals then I can have a brownie and brandy and coke and still be under. .. or small portion of rhubarb crumble (topped with oats rather than flour) with custard for a treat which I like in winter when its cold out.

    I don't know if its still a 'cheat day' if I exercised 500-800 extra cals off to be able to eat something a little more high cal, as I still come out as under my calorie goal even with the 'treat' as I never eat all my exercise calories back. Usually I do it week before TOTM when I'm getting extra cravings anyway and I heard a womans metabolism is slightly higher naturally that week so I try and make most of it and do early morning session (2hr) every day that week before they start. I usually get my biggest loss then the week they finish and water comes off.
  • Julie2402
    Hi, i always allow cheat days, i don't think you should deprive yourself of things you fancy having from time to time. With Christmas just round the corner i want to enjoy a day or two of not thinking too much about what i eat. I must admit tho i eat far smaller portions now.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member

    Once every week I allow it - my "free day" -- usually after weigh in LIKE TODAY!

    199 lbs - WELCOME TO One-Derland - down from a high last year of 262 - a total of 63lbs of lard GONE, and now, it's BIG TIME PIG TIME free day - LOVE IT!

    This serves 2 functions: it's physiological and psychological in that by overeating once a week, it helps tell your body it isn’t starving – that’s the physiological part. The psychological part is, of course, being allowed to eat whatever you want – that gives you the notion that you do have a say in what you eat and that you may set yourself up for failure if you don’t allow yourself those “treats” once a week.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I agree with the post above. Sometimes if you totally cut out things you end up craving them which can mean that if your willpower weakens you go way over the top. So whether it's one piece of chocolate per night, a couple of glasses of wine on a Saturday night.... have your little treat.

    All of my friends who have healthy sensible weight and a fit lifestyle have treats. They don't deprive themselves of anything. They just have them in moderation.

    When trying to lose weight you need to have those treats even less but you also want to get your body used to maintaining when you have lost the weight so having a little treat every now and again can help with that. But DO write it down. If you don't write it down its easy for 1-2 pieces of chocolate to become a whole huge bar lol.
  • docHelen
    docHelen Posts: 198
    cheat days are good for the soul....but not to often and without eating just cos it's a cheat day. I'll often do a long run and have a takeaway....usually puts me over a bit (don't always log everything) but i really enjoy it and don't cheat the rest of the week. I wouldn't do it though if i wasn't seeing the results i wanted with my weight.
  • ChasingHaven
    ChasingHaven Posts: 126 Member
    I don't like the word 'diet' nor do I like the word 'cheat'. To me that's just 'deprevation' and 'failure'.

    This is about a lifestyle change for me and learning portion control and moderation. Counting my calories and watching my macros is helping me learn the balance and helping me eat healthier foods. I can honestly say I've eaten more fruits, vegetables and drank more water this week than I have in months! I also logged pieces of cheese pizza with vegetable toppings about 3 times last week. Week one? I'm down seven pounds.

    The pizza, the cookies, the cake and candy aren't ever disappearing in my life time. I just need to learn to eat them responsibly and in moderation! All those people out there that are thinner and healthy? I'm guessing this is how they do it. ; )
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I eat pretty much what I want one day a week and haven't seen any negative effects.