Need Help

I am 22 years old and sick of being overweight. I want to be healthier and eat a lot better. I'm only on my second day and so far it's been really good, I just need some push to keep going! I have tried many different approaches and my family has tried to be there for support but we are very big with food and it never lasts very long, so I'm reaching out:) I just need some help staying on track and some inspiration. I would love to hear your stories!


  • medrewiske
    medrewiske Posts: 51 Member
    I also constantly struggle with my weight and am looking for someone else who is trying to make healthy decisions a priority. Lets work together! I"ve found in the past it helps to see the updates and postings of "Myfitnesspal friends" when they posted workouts, or completed their food diaries for the day, or even just commented on their daily struggles with trying to be healthy. I think it is easier to read those when you log and find instant motivitation than to search through the topics in here. :smile:
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Friends are important for sure and certain, my buddies here are keeping me focused. Also, one of the ways I have been dealing with the meals and my family liking certain foods I can't have is a kitchen balance. I am careful about my servings. A lot of times I will come to the track food and figure out how much of something I can have to fit in my calories for the day. Then lots of veggies to round out the meal. After I finish my day and push that button that says "Complete this entry" then no more food. (Keep in mind though you can go back and add if you do "cheat" or just get hungry and hit the button again) I drink tea in the evenings (decaf mostly) to keep from being hungry. You will certainly have to find your own way but hopefully we can all contributes hints and some of them will work for you. Feel free to add me as a friend I will support your fight any way I can.