Welcome to Funky Town

Ugh! I joined MFP last week and had a great start...But now... the funk has set in. I just cant shake this awful feeling. I am still staying on track. I have yet to go over the cals. But I just cant get myself motivated to exercise, or to do anything other than the bare minimum... I dont want to see anyone or talk to anyone.. I just want to sleep.

I am desperate to lose this weight and last week I felt like I was kicking butt.. I felt like i was melting away... And now.... I just feel blah. I know that it doesnt happen over night.. I know that you cant feel yourself losing weight.. But I just wish that I could shake this funk and feel good again....

Sorry for the vent.. I could use some TLC..


  • mcovillion
    u lost 6 pounds already! you're doing great! i know how u feel. i've been doing well with food, but not too great with exercise. last night i had a small meltdown and ate more than i should have before bed. but it happens. today i kicked butt on the elliptical and feel so much better. i know how hard it is to get motivated to exercise. i use my 6 month old as an excuse, but when u do it, it feels great! keep plugging away!
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    Thanks Mcovillion.. I know I should be ecstatic about 6 pounds.. But I have lost and gained these same 6 pounds over and over again. And of course I did the dumb thing and peeked at the scale this morning and I was up.. I know it isnt sodium based because I have been staying away from it... Ugh!

    I also know that I didnt put it on in a day, but I just need it to do away.... and i need to finally feel like i am being successful at something.. everything lately has been a failure...
  • calla_lilly83
    It's hard to do things when you don't feel like doing them. Trust me I know. You sound just like me. I find all the excuses in the world to not do something. But truth of the matter is. We both know what we need to do to lose the weight. The first few weeks are going to be difficult. You can't change the way you do things over night. It's a force of habit. Find happiness in the small victories you have accomplished this week. How many times this week did you eat healthy compared to the week before you started MFP? How many times did you stay at or below your calorie intake for the day?

    You are so upbeat and inspirational to others. I know you can be positive towards yourself as well. I know there have been a couple of times you have helped me out of my funk!!! Just remember IT'S GO TIME! IT'S DO OR DIE! YOU'VE GOT THIS!

    We are all behind you 100% we know you can do it! Believe in yourself and you will!!!!
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    It's hard to do things when you don't feel like doing them. Trust me I know. You sound just like me. I find all the excuses in the world to not do something. But truth of the matter is. We both know what we need to do to lose the weight. The first few weeks are going to be difficult. You can't change the way you do things over night. It's a force of habit.

    Thank you.. I know last week was a good week and I know that it will be another good week this time around. It is funny because I am so used to the WW mentality that I always eat within 10 of my cals. I am not sure if that is a good thing or not. It is so much easier for me to be upbeat for others... I would rather focus on others.. You all have been so great.. I am worried that I am going to get fired from work because I spend so much time on here!! :laugh:

    I know that I will get past this... I need to stand up to my husband and demand to be able to go to the gym tonight after the boys go to bed!