Day One....AGAIN!!!

So I am beginning my journey yet again....and as I usually say....I think this time is the time. I actually brought my gym bag to work today and plan to do so Mon-Fri. I keep telling myself I will do the exercise when I get home and have been telling myself that for the last 6 weeks....and I have not done a thing. So today is the eating has been good thus far.....back to brining my breakfast and lunch to work. I work in Center City Philadelphia and there are a lot of things to tempt a person out Any who....wish me luck.


  • Erdfisch
    Erdfisch Posts: 13 Member
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Keep us updated, you're not in this alone! :smile:
  • peterkin923
    Thank you.....and I sure will...maybe that will be helpful to me as well :)
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    Good luck. I've lost track of how many day ones I've had....I feel like I'm in groudhog day!
  • SheriffJen
    SheriffJen Posts: 13 Member
    I KNOW you can do this! You have been my supporter for the past 6 months (even longer) - and I will ALWAYS be here for you. We'll do this together and celebrate even more!
  • peterkin923
    Thank you......
  • peterkin923
    jennifer....I know you are...and I am really going to do it this time. Just got back from the gym at work...didn't do much but I did something...going to start off slow and work my way into things.

    You are doing an awesome job...keep it up girl : )
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I live in Northeat Phila.
    I just made small changes instead of doing something I knew I would not keep up with for the long run.
    I lost without exercise. I started making healthier choices everyday and it came off without much effort.
    I did get a food scale and I watch portion size. I found substitutions for the things I knew I couldn't live without.
    Low carb and cal breads, pitas, tortillas. I eat more chicken and fish. Cut out fast food. If I go out to eat I make healthier choices. Don't eat High carb bread, Cakes, candy, soda and juices. Lots of water, fresh and frozen Veggies and fruitsl, Whole grain pasta and rice, barley, sweet potatoes. Cut sodium way down too.
  • JZSunshine2011
    You can do it! I started my day one......again......this past Monday.
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 178 Member
    Good luck! I was the same way. I would just say I would workout when I got home, but when I got home, I found myself sitting down and not wanting to get back up.
  • dbniles
    Me one again. Only this time I joined a gym (again). I am really planning on going 15 minutes. I hope you stay on track. I have all the good intentions right now. I hope I keep them going. Wish me God Speed...
  • Chrissy_Michelle
    Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member
    ME TOO!!! I used to weigh 228 lbs. I got down to 145 and worked out almost everyday. I have since gained back about 24 and it depresses me so much. I am desparetley trying to bet back to my old self with the exercise part but I am just not sure why I can't seem to do it. It is very frustrating to say the least. I "start over" on MFP weekly lol..I figure as long as I keep trying, one day I will eventually stick to it. I wish you luck!
  • yogaheart18
    Good Luck. My friend just started a weight loss blog I intend to follow. You should too!
  • peterkin923
    I live in Northeat Phila.
    I just made small changes instead of doing something I knew I would not keep up with for the long run.
    I lost without exercise. I started making healthier choices everyday and it came off without much effort.
    I did get a food scale and I watch portion size. I found substitutions for the things I knew I couldn't live without.
    Low carb and cal breads, pitas, tortillas. I eat more chicken and fish. Cut out fast food. If I go out to eat I make healthier choices. Don't eat High carb bread, Cakes, candy, soda and juices. Lots of water, fresh and frozen Veggies and fruitsl, Whole grain pasta and rice, barley, sweet potatoes. Cut sodium way down too.

    Thank you for all of the suggestions....I will definitely use them.
  • peterkin923
    ME TOO!!! I used to weigh 228 lbs. I got down to 145 and worked out almost everyday. I have since gained back about 24 and it depresses me so much. I am desparetley trying to bet back to my old self with the exercise part but I am just not sure why I can't seem to do it. It is very frustrating to say the least. I "start over" on MFP weekly lol..I figure as long as I keep trying, one day I will eventually stick to it. I wish you luck!

    That is still an awesome weight loss. You can take it off again.....just refocus. I know what you mean about wanting to but no being able to. It is very frustrating....but we will figure it out and we will do it.
  • peterkin923
    Me one again. Only this time I joined a gym (again). I am really planning on going 15 minutes. I hope you stay on track. I have all the good intentions right now. I hope I keep them going. Wish me God Speed...

    Hope you made it to the gym....I went again...two days in a row....:)
  • peterkin923
    Good luck! I was the same way. I would just say I would workout when I got home, but when I got home, I found myself sitting down and not wanting to get back up.

    I found that to be my problem as well...that is why I made the commitment to go at is only day 2 but I am planning on going tomorrow as well : )
  • peterkin923
    You can do it! I started my day one......again......this past Monday.

    Good luck to can do it!!!