Queen of the "Restart"

So today marks my second time "restarting" since last week! LOL! My BF introduced me to this site a few weeks ago and I vowed last Wednesday that I was "starting my diet over" and "this was it". Well, by Wednesday night I was eating dinner at Old Country Buffet (per my kids request, I swear!). Friday was a holiday lunch at a fancy steak house (enough said) and Friday and Saturday nights were dinner with friends (I really need to start planning my social events better!). Needless to say, it wasn't the best week to "start over". Today was my first weigh in and I only gained .6 considering I ate out so much but I am not happy that I wasn't able to control myself in those eating out situations.

Anyway, today I vow to "start over" yet again. I have started over more times than I can count. I have been gaining weight for the past 15 years and it needs to stop. My lowest weight was when I was 15 years old - just before I met my husband. Since then, I have gained 90-100 pounds. In all these years I have never stuck to anything long enough to lose more than 20 pounds. I lost those 20 pounds from October 2009 to May 2010 and since then have gained those 20 back plus another 10. I am out of shape, my clothes are too small and I constantly obsess about my weight. Problem is, I obsess but don't actually do anything concrete about it. So, I am constantly "starting over" trying to find the one time that the lifestyle will stick and I will be able to get rid of my weight and keep it off for life.

So, if there is anyone out there that feels the way I do and can relate to my struggles, feel free to send me a friend request. Hopefully we can start and finish this together!!


  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I know what you mean. I have read so many Women's Health and Fitbie articles about weight and exercise and then I wondered why nothing was happening! I was stressing out SO MUCH about learning to be fit that I wasn't actually doing anything about it, and you know what stress does to your waistline... so now, I'm going to stop being crazy (expecting different results with the same actions). I am trying to plan ahead what I will eat... I am exercising 30 minutes a day... The exercise actually gives me more energy.

    The point I'm trying to make is, you can think about it, read about it, learn about it, .. but unless you actually do something, no changes will occur. You have to set yourself up for success, otherwise you are letting yourself down by not giving yourself a chance to succeed. It's sabotage. It will only make you feel worse and do bad things to your body.

    I think maybe you're like me, an all-or-nothing type. I'm a scorpio, so it's kind of my nature to be like that. But I realized going all-out and reducing calories or exercising way too hard for a few days just made me want to veg out and order a pizza in front of the TV. There have to be small changes that you can make into routines that fit into your day so that you can keep doing them. Unfortunately, there is no "Quick Fix" ... you have to slowly, steadily change the things that are making you sick and then work to make it better.

    Good luck. I know it's hard, but please don't think of it as a "restart" ... because this is not a new game you are playing, this is a mindful choice to live healthier and only you can make it habit and routine, and that is the ONLY way you will lose, continue to lose, and keep it off...
  • Animaniac87
    You sound exactly like me!! I too am obsessed with weight but do next to nothing to change it, or I'll drop weight start feeling better about myself then gain it all back plus extra.

    I think the key is just to be honest, log everything. Don't lie (It's just a website it doesn't judge). Don't skip logging anything just because you're embarrassed/ashamed/mad at yourself for eating something. Just log in it and eventually you'll come to understand you're relationship with food, and slowly change your habits.

    No more excuses! If this is what you really want, go do it because no one else can do it for you (as much as I wish they could)
  • Squeeky18
    Me too, me too, me too!! I started on this site in the Spring/early summer. I lost 10 pounds and then stopped. Not sure why but, surprise, surprise I gained 5 lbs back. Considering I need to lose at least 100 pounds, this is going to take FOREVER at this rate. So I re-started this week.

    I've been through other programs...think I got up to 25 lbs off and then, my old habits came back. This time, I'm vowing it will be different. Small changes, over time, will add up to big weight loss AND sustainable weight loss. If you try to change too much at once, it's discouraging. I think my weight-loss journey is going to be long and hard but worth it in the end.

    You can do it. :)
  • jenn_is_trouble
    I know how you feel. Hang in there! Add me if you like.
  • juragirl
    juragirl Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I have absolutely no willpower whatsoever. I am sticking to my diet and exercise program for now, but have declined all holiday parties because I know it will be a disaster. Instead I'm meeting friends for "holiday walks".
  • Nikki7680
    Nikki7680 Posts: 5 Member
    So glad to find so many people that feel the same way and are in the same boat!

    I think one of the hardest things about changing my lifestyle is that I HAVE too...does that make sense? I don't want to be told "you HAVE to change". I mean I WANT to change because I know my life would be better but it really sucks to think that things like pizza and fast food can't be a part of my life. I know that they could be but they are my trigger foods and I just can't stop at the healthy portion size. So I basically HAVE to give them up and then I get mad! I get mad because I don't want to live a life of constantly having to choose the right food--it's so stressful. I actually have internal battles with myself when eating out. I can sit in front of the menu telling myself to get the chicken with a side salad its the "Smart Choice" but then I see the burger and fries and I almost want to cry at the thought of not ordering it. How sad is it that the thought of passing on a cheeseburger makes me so emotional! So then I get the dang burger, eat it, and then berate myself the rest of the evening for not having the willpower to have just gotten the stupid chicken!! Then I think about all the people, like my super skinny sister-in-laws, who never think twice about getting the burger because it just doesn't have the same effect on their bodies as it does mine. So I guess that's why I am mad--I am mad that I will always have to choose because my genes aren't made for being naturally skinny.

    Sorry for the rant but I had to get it out!!!!