In Need of Support

I have been yoyoing on and off for about a year.... I lose 5...I gain 3...I lose 2...I gain 4. The end result...Nothing. It is very frustrating. I wake up every single day thinking about my weight. It's terrible, I have 2 little boys ages 1 and 2 and I work from home in addition to house work. I need help. I am an emotional eater in addition to a late night eater. Sometimes at night, when I am not even hungry and I am about to go to sleep I will still get somethimg to eat it for comforts sake...:ohwell: is like an addiction it is terrible. I need advice and help.


  • I know what you mean. My weight yo-yos frequently and I am definitely a late-night eater. I've tried so hard to cut that out, though - if I'm getting a craving that's so intense I can barely handle it, I make myself go to sleep! And I'm a person who loves breakfast, so I tell myself, "the sooner you don't eat anything and go to bed, the sooner you can wake up and eat breakfast!". And usually it works! :)

    Best of luck to you!
  • You're in the right place! Add as many friends as you can. The support will encourage you. Check in every day. And be sure to log your food, and be honest. Do the best you can and the support and encouragement will help you pick up the pace and do better. I am home with a 2- and 4-year-old and I also work from home. It's so tough, but you should give yourself as much slack as you can. I get so frustrated with mess and chores stacking up on me and I start feeling very overwhelmed. I have a saying framed up on my wall that is more for me than anyone else. It says, "Don't mind the mess. The kids are making memories." I love that. I need to tell myself that over and over. It's hard enough keeping up on laundry and dishes and picking up throughout the day. Remember to take time for yourself! Many moms who are home with kids and don't get personal time or time out with friends get depressed. That only makes me eat more and feel exhausted.. the exact opposite things you need when trying to get healthy. I try to take a walk during the day. I put my little one in the stroller with a portable DVD player with Toy Story on. I put my headphones on with an audio book. It's instant exercise and me time while I walk, and I can zone out into the book. I love that. Good luck on your journey! Support from others makes all the difference for me. I was down 30 lbs then gained 12 back... so I am back online again and getting the support I need, and I will stay here to make sure I maintain!
  • ysatis30
    ysatis30 Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same boat and hoping I can do better this time around! I am trying to attack it on exercise and food level and agree the FOOD DEMONS can make it a challenge. When I exercise - I generally try to pick stuff that is fun and when I eat - I am most successful when I track things. Knowing I need to have a certain item lets me plan my day without feeling so deprived. Good luck - we are all in this together!!
  • ysatis30
    ysatis30 Posts: 2 Member
    We have very similar goals - I am starting at 173 and tryng for 145. I have NEVER Been 145. I used to be 267 1/2 (dont forget the half) and it seems the hundred pounds was easier that this 28ish .......Anyway - noticed that and wanted to comment - Good luck!!