Gestational Diabetes

I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at my 24 week OB appointment yesterday and havent seen the dietician yet. I was wondering if any other moms have dealt with this issue and had any diet or exercise tips/advice for me? I know I need to watch my carbs and sugars more closely now, but was there anything that worked particularly well for you? Anything is much appreciated!



  • mrsfoose
    I had it. It took literally 2 years for my body to regain control. My blood sugars would crash when i worked out or got too hungry and then soar when I ate. I was lucky that I didn't have to use insulin or anything, but I still never want to prick my fingers ever again. It can also have consequences for your child. My daughter was large and had issues with her blood sugar and respiration's for a few days after birth. Not to scare you but it is so great that it was caught early. Mine wasn't caught until after I delivered even though I complained about feeling terrible and gaining a ton of weight without over eating. Until you can talk to a dietitian cut out all processed foods, white pasta and bread, no fruit juice, and I would limit my fruit servings to the recommended 2-4 a day. Working out will help as well. If you feel light headed I found that a piece of fruit with some cheese really helped me post-partum. I hope this helps. I really don't want to scare you but I know how it can turn out if left uncontrolled. Wishing you and baby all the best!
  • GDRecipes
    I'm an Australian mum and I also had gestational diabetes. After getting through it all and learning lots on the way, I launched a recipe blog this year for mum's like us called

    It's full of GD-friendly recipes, heaps of info and interviews with other mums. (It's also all reviewed by an registered dietitian who reviews my content.) I hope it's useful for you. Hang in there Staci! Lisa x
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I had it with my first one and she was only 7 lbs. 11 ozs. so managing it well can keep baby completely safe and normal sized. I drank plenty of water and made sure I kept my blood sugar as even as possible. Have protein with every meal and snack and try to keep your foods as whole as possible (as in skip white flour, white rice and sugar.) Eat the higher glycemic index foods sparingly and make sure you have some protein and/or fat with those to slow down the insulin dump to your system. Make sure you keep the appointment with your nutritionist because they'll be a good source of information.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I had confirmed GD with three of my boys.
    The best advice I can give you is to really listen to your nutritionist. Keep your blood sugars level and do not be afraid to call your doctor or nutritionist if you have trouble doing that.

    I found it really helpful to go for a walk after every meal. It got so ingrained I still like to do it today. :)

    I don't know what they'll tell you now, but when I had my kids I was told that if I had GD I was pre-destined to get type II diabetes later in my life. I'm happy to say that 15 years later I still am showing no signs of diabetes or pre-diabetes.