I want to cry

I have been between 177 and 175 for almost a week! Is this a plateau? I had to stop going to the gym because of my job, the only time I can go is on the weekends and I haven't done that lately, I weighed in this morning at 175.4 and just now I weighed in to see if there was any difference and saw 177, I sat on my bathroom floor and cried. I ordered the 30 ds and 6 week six pack but they won't be here until about the 28th. I wanted to see 167 before christmas but at this rate I won't see it until after new years! Someone please give me some advice!


  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    Bump... anyone?
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    first of all congrats on the weight you have lost so far,
    second, it could be time to get back to basics, are you still weighing all your food or just having a guess at what it weighs
    third.. is it coming round to TOM, i stick and also put weight on during the week running up to this.
    fourth, dont beat your self up over this, we are all going through this, have a 2 day detox to kick start things off again, and also so me time, nice hot bubble bath and spend time on nails and stuff, and have a declutter to, get rid of all the stuff that is now too big for you.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Okay, this may be one of those times when you need to be careful for what you ask ... but since you did, here's my advice.

    You need to relax. Take a breath. Remember your goal is not XXX weight by Christmas of 2011 - it's a healthy lifestyle with a healthy BMI for the rest of your life. In the scheme of things, what's another month?

    You need to enjoy the season for all its meaning. There's going to be good weigh ins and bad weigh ins. That's how life is - 'ya gotta take the good with the bad.

    Yes, it's better to see the number go down each week - but it's not what life's all about.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    hey you cheer up, it is normal to stall for a week or two. Also you are weighing your self too much; you are not going to gain 2 lbs of fat in one day let a lone with in a few hours.

    Please stop beating yourself up you have worked so hard and should be proud of what you've accomplished so far.
    The gain you saw the second time you weighed was water, our bodies weigh differently at different times in the day due to water retention. You really should weigh your self once or twice a week and just focus on following the calorie intake and get some exercise in. You must know that you don't have to go to the gym to get a work out in.

    The most important thing is stop beating yourself up, you have done well and you should be proud.

    One more thing check to see where you are in your cycle, the female body has good potential to stall with in a week of ovulation and even gain a few lbs due to water retention.

    Take care of your self and remember you don't need to beat yourself up to accomplish your goal, you set this goal out of love and out of love is how you will accomplish it :happy:
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    I have been between 177 and 175 for almost a week! Is this a plateau? I had to stop going to the gym because of my job, the only time I can go is on the weekends and I haven't done that lately, I weighed in this morning at 175.4 and just now I weighed in to see if there was any difference and saw 177, I sat on my bathroom floor and cried. I ordered the 30 ds and 6 week six pack but they won't be here until about the 28th. I wanted to see 167 before christmas but at this rate I won't see it until after new years! Someone please give me some advice!

    Hello, I am new to MFP and I wanted to give you my 2 cents :) Try not to worry about what the scale says but instead focus on how you feel and how your clothes fit. For a long time I was focusing on what the scale said instead of my inches. A mixture of strength training and cardio are great ways to tone and burn calories. Try taking your measurements and photos so you can see your progress other than the scale.

    Here are a few things I do when I can't get to the gym... take a break at work and get a couple quick walks in. A few things you can do at home are with your own body weight- squats, push ups, planks, lunges, chair dips.

    I love the Jillian Michael's workouts (under $15 at Target) and I switch those around which does make it easier because I can do those at home instead of going to the gym. Around my area our time warner excercise on demand chanel gives you numerous workouts for free which I use all the time.

    Good luck and stay positive!
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    One week without weight loss is not a plateau.

    Fluctuations throughout the day or the week are normal. Are you retaining water because of too much sodium/TOM/exercise? Did you take a crap this morning or not?

    Have some patience and take deep breaths. Keep putting in the work and fueling your body properly. :flowerforyou:
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    One week does not a plateau make. But it does give you an opportunity to change some of your thinking. You are NOT defined by a number...whether it is your weight or your size or your income or whatever. So take this opportunity to consider ALL of you. Not just some random number on a scale. Don't just look at your flaws...how much weight there is left to lose or the flab that still needs to leave or whatever. Look at all of you. And celebrate all of the changes you have made that led to you losing 38 lbs so far! Pat yourself on the back.

    And carry on. This is for the rest of your life. Doesn't matter how long it takes to get there...just keep plugging.
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    YOU ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN A NUMBER THROW THE SCALE AWAY!!!! Ok take a deep breath, look at how far you have come. Measure yourself, look in the mirror and how do your clothes fit? When I stopped losing weight I increased my intake by 100-200 cals and bang I would "magically lose weight again". May or may not work but for me it did, I also am a firm believer of strength training. You got this, so put your big girl panties on and keep moving, never give up!!!!:smile:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    One week without weight loss is not a plateau.

    Fluctuations throughout the day or the week are normal. Are you retaining water because of too much sodium/TOM/exercise? Did you take a crap this morning or not?

    Have some patience and take deep breaths. Keep putting in the work and fueling your body properly. :flowerforyou:

    Was going to reply, but this pretty much covers what I was going to say. If you know you're doing the right thing, keep it up. The weight loss isn't always linear.

    Also wanted to add, very cool avatar pic!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Bump... anyone?

    A week? Don't despair! You had an off-week...it happens to us all!
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    Stopping going to the gym can certainly throw things off but your MFP daily calorie goal is set for a deficit from what your body burns on a daily basis so while things may slow down if you're not at the gym it shouldn't come to a halt. And no, one week if far from a plateau, a stall maybe (but even those are more like a couple weeks). A plateau is more like several months.

    As for weight this morning and then seeing a higher number later in the day...Your mistake is jumping back on the scale later in the day. Weigh in at the same time of day in the same type of clothing or even commando. Many people on here like to weigh in first thing in the morning after visiting the toilet but before coffee or tea or juice. By later in the day you've been drinking fluids and eating so your body weight changes. For some people as much as 4lbs difference between first thing in the morning and at the end of the day.

    Sodium could be a factor, if you're getting too much salt and not enough water you will retain fluid making you feel bloated. This is more noticeable if you're not getting the amount of exercise you're used to.

    Also the lack of exercise if probably affecting your mood. Many people become addicted to the endorphins that exercise causes your body to release. I'm not saying we all love to work out, many don't but they usually still feel better after having done it. Cut yourself some slack and head over to your local library and see about renting an exercise dvd or two until your others arrive at the end of the month.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    i agree with those above and below me take a deep breath and relaxe. your doing great. keep eating healthy. if you can't wait for your dvds to come check out bodyrocks something some can fill in the blanks for me
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Its not a plateau, you just had a minor stall. I have had plateaus and they lasted a while. I was at 175lbs for 2 weeks then lost 2lbs. It will happen through out the weight loss journey.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    First, stop weighing yourself mid day or even daily. Our bodies naturally go up and down throughout the day. I can be 4 lbs heavier at night than first thing in the morning. Try only weighing yourself once a week. I know it's hard, but you'll be better off. Agonizing over weight is going to do nothing more than stress you, and stress is not helpful when you're trying to lose weight.

    Next, take your measurements. This is about more than your weight. Think of this as a journey to becoming healthy

    And, lastly, a couple of days is not a plateau. Over a couple of weeks is a plateau. Your body has to make adjustments - it's all good. Just keep up your logging and eat right and it'll come off. Give yourself a break.
  • Dmborgstrom
    Dmborgstrom Posts: 7 Member
    One week without weight loss is not a plateau.

    Fluctuations throughout the day or the week are normal. Are you retaining water because of too much sodium/TOM/exercise? Did you take a crap this morning or not?

    Have some patience and take deep breaths. Keep putting in the work and fueling your body properly. :flowerforyou:

    Was going to reply, but this pretty much covers what I was going to say. If you know you're doing the right thing, keep it up. The weight loss isn't always linear.

    Also wanted to add, very cool avatar pic!

    Exactly..... Also, this natural up and down is why it is recommended not to check in more than once a week. Be kind to yourself. If you are doing everything, the scale will eventually move. Plateaus are staying at the same weight for weeks on end..not days.

    You can do this!!
  • Just don't give up, everything is slowly but surely. In the last 2 years I've lost 22 lbs. That's only a pound a month, but eventually it all adds up! :) I started at 156 and am down to 134. I've been at 134 for about 3 months now. At 5ft 1" this is a pretty healthy weight, but I've seen what losing weight has done to my energy and motivation, so I want more! Now I'm on this website to keep me motivated. Just don't get discouraged! For me the trick to controlling my hunger is a blueberry banana protein shake in the morning. Hope this helps!
  • Dmborgstrom
    Dmborgstrom Posts: 7 Member
    First, stop weighing yourself mid day or even daily. Our bodies naturally go up and down throughout the day. I can be 4 lbs heavier at night than first thing in the morning. Try only weighing yourself once a week. I know it's hard, but you'll be better off. Agonizing over weight is going to do nothing more than stress you, and stress is not helpful when you're trying to lose weight.

    Next, take your measurements. This is about more than your weight. Think of this as a journey to becoming healthy

    And, lastly, a couple of days is not a plateau. Over a couple of weeks is a plateau. Your body has to make adjustments - it's all good. Just keep up your logging and eat right and it'll come off. Give yourself a break.

    I should have read this first!!! :) It says everything I was thinking!!
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    One week without weight loss is not a plateau.

    Fluctuations throughout the day or the week are normal. Are you retaining water because of too much sodium/TOM/exercise? Did you take a crap this morning or not?

    Have some patience and take deep breaths. Keep putting in the work and fueling your body properly. :flowerforyou:

  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    thank you all, I am trying to relax, I guess my mood is just sour because I got so used to seeing the scale go down everyday. But thank you all for the encouragement! I feel better:bigsmile:
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    thank you all, I am trying to relax, I guess my mood is just sour because I got so used to seeing the scale go down everyday. But thank you all for the encouragement! I feel better:bigsmile: