Why are weekends so much harder to be a good eater??

During the week I have NO problem eating the right things and excercising every morning at the YMCA. But when friday night, and Saturday afternoon get here, (or we go to a friends house to visit) then I want to eat a little of this and a little of that (unhealthy foods). I mean, I have to honestly say I have been more cautious of what I eat allllll the time, even weekends, it's just sooooo hard, and I feel sooo guitly even if I eat a cookie. Am I alone out here on the weekends with having trouble staying 100% dedicated to it on the weekends??? :ohwell: My husband says I have a routine of going eating good for a while then going back and jumping off of the right track. I want to prove him wrong. He has stopped smoking and eats a LOT and gains very little by doing so. It drives me nuts but I want to stay on this till I reach my goal and stay that way. . .positive and healthy lifestyle.
But on the other hand, I am goin to be positive now LOL. I have lost 10 pounds since I started really getting dedicated to this. (going on 3 weeks now). I get up and work out EVERY weekday morning and do it for at least 45 minutes if not, more. This site has helped me everyday to see what I dont need to eat again, and what I need to eat more of. I dont feel I am losing inches as fast as I would like to but I have to realize it will come off as long as I stay dedicated and consistent with excercising and watching what I eat. I just need more motivation I guess. LOL Anyway, I hope you are all doing great and are seeing your goals reached. God bless every one of you!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

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  • lilmami777
    lilmami777 Posts: 13
    During the week I have NO problem eating the right things and excercising every morning at the YMCA. But when friday night, and Saturday afternoon get here, (or we go to a friends house to visit) then I want to eat a little of this and a little of that (unhealthy foods). I mean, I have to honestly say I have been more cautious of what I eat allllll the time, even weekends, it's just sooooo hard, and I feel sooo guitly even if I eat a cookie. Am I alone out here on the weekends with having trouble staying 100% dedicated to it on the weekends??? :ohwell: My husband says I have a routine of going eating good for a while then going back and jumping off of the right track. I want to prove him wrong. He has stopped smoking and eats a LOT and gains very little by doing so. It drives me nuts but I want to stay on this till I reach my goal and stay that way. . .positive and healthy lifestyle.
    But on the other hand, I am goin to be positive now LOL. I have lost 10 pounds since I started really getting dedicated to this. (going on 3 weeks now). I get up and work out EVERY weekday morning and do it for at least 45 minutes if not, more. This site has helped me everyday to see what I dont need to eat again, and what I need to eat more of. I dont feel I am losing inches as fast as I would like to but I have to realize it will come off as long as I stay dedicated and consistent with excercising and watching what I eat. I just need more motivation I guess. LOL Anyway, I hope you are all doing great and are seeing your goals reached. God bless every one of you!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • getfitwithangela
    getfitwithangela Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! Weekends are TRULY much more difficult (for me anyway!) because there's less structure maybe? You are so on the right track! Here's my take- we work so hard all week so why would we sabotage that and undo all the good we've done.I am working on not going off track on the weekends now- what a difference!! How about if on Monday you're down another pound instead of up 2 !?! WE CAN DO IT!!!
    :bigsmile: Angela
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    i love the weekend time off to eat and :drinker:
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    i love the weekend time off to eat and :drinker:

    Thanks for that... really inspirational.

    Anyway, it is much more difficult on the weekend. You need to find a time for yourself to wind down with relaxing music... or anything else that relaxes you to get into 'weekend' mode. That way you aren't using food to get into 'weekend' mode.
  • hushmonkey1234
    weekends are hard. I think during the week we have such a set schedule that its easy to be good.

    I am terrifed of this summer!!!! I work at a school and so I have all summer off, its like a giant weekend! It is what killed me last year.

    I am trying to give myself a mini schedule now for the weekends so that when summer comes I can stick to it and keep loosing weight!
  • mistyreed82
    mistyreed82 Posts: 68
    Im the opposite. The weekends are a lot easier for me...Im not really sure why..but they are. During the week I work at a doc office, and for some reason, a few of the nurses only want to bring in junk food, after I have told them a million times not to. haha. Anyways....stick to your guns, and ALWAYS give yourself one "cheat" day. I dont mean go eat 5000 calories, but eat what YOU WANT!! Make it on the weekend so you dont feel bad about it since the weekends are already hard. Good Luck!! :smile:
  • lilmami777
    lilmami777 Posts: 13
    that is a great idea, i never associated the weekend wind down with eating. But since you said that I thought about it and it is SOOO true. We all get together and eat. LOL Thanks for the inspiration! :-)
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    There is way more time on the weekend to get in extra excercise! :drinker: :smile: the weekdays are harder for me as I am always crunched for time.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    The weekends are the bane of my existence!! Too much time with not a lot to do! :)

    I do get a ton of exercise in on Saturday so I guess that's the one good thing! Burned almost 800 calories today! :bigsmile:
  • chunkabutt25
    chunkabutt25 Posts: 277 Member
    weekends are rough, so just do what feels right. I do amazingly well throughout the week and if i feel like drinking myself silly or eating my favorite pizza on the weekend, i do it. Youll never succeed if you dont give in sometimes, im still doing consistently well!