Staying Motivated

Hi everyone. I have started and stopped my workouts and my "diets" so often, I dn't even beleive me anymore when I say I'm going to lose weight. :( I am here hoping to stay motivated to lose these same 10 pounds I've been trying to lose for 2 years. I am not fat by far, but I'm not HOT like I used to be. I weight 170 and am a size 8. I wear it well, and maybe one day I'll be bold enough to post a pic, but I would really like to get to 160, tone back up and fit my size 8 a little better. So, I hope to meet good people, find good information, reccomendations, receipes, ideas, and motivation!


  • mklaroch
    mklaroch Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Jicelyn,

    I here ya on the whole I've stopped and started my workouts!! I'm in the same boat. I'm actually getting back into my workouts and eating better since getting back from vacation in Jamaica. I just went on the scale and noticed I have gained 5lbs! YIKES!!!! I'm exactly where you are, almost back at 170 and freaking out cause I did so well before!! The way to think about it is to know you are defenietly not alone. A lot of people struggle with their weight and it's almost a permanent struggle. Do you have family or close friends that can support you in your weight loss goals? One of the best things to do is start with one goal. This could mean either starting with eating healthier or getting into a regular workout routine. And once you have a pattern going for one then introducing other things. That's how I love my 23 lbs! Unfortunately, I lost track when I went away and just getting back into it again!! Good luck!! YOU AND I CAN DO THIS!!! Let me know if you need any more motivation!!!