I am skinny fat



  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Lift some heavy things.
  • fxst78
    fxst78 Posts: 221 Member
    Lift some heavy things.

  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    Good on you for realising it's not a good thing!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member

  • caitymay1
    caitymay1 Posts: 73 Member


    BAHAHAHA! Love this guy :P
  • BigBeauti23
    BigBeauti23 Posts: 18 Member
    Taht bodybuilder guy is so funny!! LMAO!!
  • MrsVerhaeghe
    MrsVerhaeghe Posts: 46 Member
    Well dont just start lifting heavy weights. You could injure yourself. You should start out slow with a strength program and work your way up. Building muscle burns more fat.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Lift some heavy things.

    ^ This will be a very key ingredient to fixing this problem.
  • hkfleming
    hkfleming Posts: 146 Member
    I found this thread and it's sequel unbelievably helpful for "skinny fat".

  • psteinsholt
    psteinsholt Posts: 1 Member
    At one time in my life I was what they call Skinny/Fat. I am 5'8 weighed around 132 pounds and was a size 0. I could eat whatever I wanted. When I had a body fat test done, I thought I was in great shape, until the BF came back at 36%. Yikes! The next question was, what are you eating? I was eating whatever I wanted. Hey, I was a size 0. After conversation with a trainer about nutrition and what I put into my body and about being skinny fat, I cleaned up my diet in a hurry. The white of my eyes becae whiter, my skin started glowing and I appearance improved. I dropped down to 21% fat. Since then, I gained alot of weight. I was up to 186 pounds from having an accident and stress eating. Currently, I am down to 143.6. But, I am doing it right this time. I am eating clean. No junk, sugars, white flours, little dairy, bread, rolls, yummy stuff. I had an accident in April 2006 and lost a good amount of muscle tone from being in a wheel chair for 7 1/2 monthFinally, I am building muscle and greatly reducing Body Fat. I started training in Sept. at 32.5 percent fat. 146.8 pounds Almost 2 months ago I was 26.2 % fat, 146 pounds I hope to have a fat check in 2 more weeks. So, the weight is coming off very slowly but the Body FAt is dropping because of clean eating. I am actually starting to see some muscle tone under this skin. My goal is to get under 20 percent Body Fat and never be skinny Fat again.