Any shift workers out there?



  • xsimplytwistedx
    xsimplytwistedx Posts: 39 Member
    Wow I never even thought of asking this question before . I work long hrs all the time . Feel free to add me everybody I think we can all benefit from our experiences as shift workers .
  • jcmorrison25
    jcmorrison25 Posts: 43 Member
    That's exactly the problem I'm running into, it's like every other day or so I end up over my calorie goal based on traditional meal schedules. Especially when I get off on my "Friday" at 0700 hrs, then I've ate some over night but it's also my first day off with my family so it seems to peak that day, but I also don't get much sleep that day. Ehh, I'm a mess...LOL My boyfriend works similar hours, he goes in between 1600-1700 hrs and works til 0200, and we don't have any coinciding days off, so even if I'm off, I keep a similar schedule.
  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member
    How does everyone log their food at the odd hours? When you come to work is that breakfast or when you first get up even though it might be 3 pm...

    I log from wakeup to sleep. Usually 2100 to 1200. but days like today it is 1800 to 1200. To make tracking easier on my diet doctor, I adjust the chart up to midnight for start times.
  • I work 7p to 7a, 3 to 4 times a week. On my days off I switch back to a day schedule for my family. This is hard on that first day off because I have eaten during the night. I have to really watch what I eat that last day (night) of work so I don't go overboard on my calories that day. I log my meals by time of day, such as when I am working, if I eat at 2300, it is supper and if I eat at 0100, it is breakfast. Sometimes that is fun because if I am "out" of calories for the day, I just wait an hour or two til the next day. :) Ha Love my NIGHT SHIFT!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    No such thing as normal when you work as a chef for a living - I work predominantly second shifts that never end - often Im not leaving until the wee hours of the morning... I dread the mornings where Im getting home at 2am and they expect me to work at 7am that same day, UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... Thank goodness for our coffee shop serving espresso at a moment's notice! LOL!!!!!
  • hello and welcome here. I have been there and done that for over 30 years now I just wrok 8 to 12 days 7 days a week but at least I am on days but I still only sleep 2 to 4 hours.