Help please!

Hey everyone,
Firstly thankyou for reading my post. I'm 22 and have so far lost 34lbs on my journey since August. However, I've now stalled. I can't seem to break the 210lbs barrier and am at the moment suffering with quite severe constipation. I know sorry, a little too much information perhaps but I think it is part of the reason why I've stalled.
Does anyone have any ideas on what I might be able to do, to help me get over this plateau? It's really getting me down.
Many thanks,


  • destinysmommy2011
    Eat some more Fiber and is Miralax. Miralax is a powder you put in any kind of drink and it dissolves with no taste. Thats what my Dr. had me do and it worked. It normally works after the first time but if not it is safe to repeat it or atleast thats what my Dr. said. You may want to talk to your Dr., cause lord knows im no Dr. I am just passing some info along that helped me. Hope it helps :) Great job on your weight loss though :)
  • 38meanie
    First of all congrats on the 34lb loss so far! The hardest part for me was making sure to drink enough least the 8 glasses especially if you are eating more vegetables and fruits which will bind you up really bad if you don't increase the water intake to help offset it...I am at a stall point myself but I have been "cheating" in small amounts but nonetheless "cheating". I can attribute it to the holidays and am trying to not have any expectations of myself and try very hard to maintain what I have lost so far this year and get back on track in the new year...good luck and keep up the good work!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Does anyone have any ideas on what I might be able to do, to help me get over this plateau?

    How long has your weight been stalled for in weeks, and is this a complete stall or has it just slowed?
  • hazedot
    hazedot Posts: 111 Member

    Does anyone have any ideas on what I might be able to do, to help me get over this plateau?

    How long has your weight been stalled for in weeks, and is this a complete stall or has it just slowed?

    I'm bouncing between about 213 and 210lbs. So I'm constantly losing and gaining the same 3lbs over and over again. I just can't seem to continue dropping.
  • cioccatapioca
    yes... as everyone had said, more water, more fiber, and also are you using plenty of oils in your cooking or food?
    That helps things "come out a little easier"! :) good luck
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I hit various walls in my journey as well. All I did was change up diet and exercise. The issue is that our bodies down regulate our program given enough time, so change things. Shake it up!

    Example: instead of playing tennis, I began a swimming program. Instead of resistance machines, I started body weight calisthenics. And as for diet, I monkeyed around with macro-nutrition, increasing protein and reducing carbs a bit.

    Go for it - you are doing GREAT!
  • MadeInDR022
    As for getting rid of the constipation, try prune juice or apple cider...I have a um, similar problem...