New again :)

Hello everyone. I don't think I've ever posted on a forum, but I'm back. I joined this site a long time ago after my first baby was born to try to lose the extra fluff. I fell off the bandwagon, because I couldn't figure out a way to make the calorie counter account for me breastfeeding, and I was STARVING all the time. Then I ended up pregnant again, breastfeeding again, and so on and so forth. Fast forward to now, my littlest is 18mos old, and I'm ready to DO THIS! I have about 45lbs to lose, to get to where I want to be.


  • bfrederick3015
    bfrederick3015 Posts: 33 Member
    I've been "new again" a few times myself. Welcome back!
  • I also have been on the site for a long time. This time I'm going to make it work, I been exercising and eating well for a week. Been reading the forums for encouragement. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Welcome back!
  • ccb1030
    ccb1030 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks! Good luck to all of you, as well.
  • Great job! I'm doing the same.
  • ccb1030
    ccb1030 Posts: 84 Member
    So someone tell me how these boards work. Are there buddy groups to keep us accountable? I've checked out the "success" board, and the before/after pics people have posted are definitely motivating. It would be nice to find a group of people with similar situations as myself.
  • I've fallen off the wagon more times than I care to count. My food diary today was over my daily limit. I could offer an excuse such as I gave blood today and I ate the cupcake because I felt a little light-headed, but I've got to plan better and make better food choices, and I will get there. I will not let this derail my efforts. It's just one day and if I have another bad day, I will just pick up where I left off and keep it moving. I am going to suceed this time! Continue to check the message board, the encouragement, support, and suggestions are amazing!