looking for an alli buddy....



  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Thanks Lorro :smile: I am sorry if I got you into trouble with master Dave :tongue:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hi, Helen - welcome.

    If you've been here for more than a few minutes, you will see that Dave and I are seldom on the same page about anything - but his advice and that of others about doing this the old fashioned way is spot on. Even if the Alli helps you jump start your weight loss, you still have to make some life changes to make the effect permanent. We all know people who have done something as drastic as "THE SURGERY" lost a bunch of weight only to gain it back because their tiny, golf ball sized stomach stretched to accomodate their habits. Its habits we gotta change! Good luck!
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    OMG I just read the little notice on the bottom of the page which OUR DAVE kindly c/p

    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    I am nearly 40 and am a pretty good judge of what I should take in yay or nay, my doctor is qualified and is supporting me in my decision. I am here to make friends and use the tools, seems Dave (and probably a few others) and I have gotten on the wrong foot purely cos of a decision I made for which I am definitely not going to apologise for. If the pills do not work for me it is my responsibility okay?
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    thank you kristi. My doctor said it will be good to use alli for 2 months so that I am in a routine I can then go about it on my own. I needed a kick start (or a kick up the behind I can never make my mind up which lol)
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    OMG I just read the little notice on the bottom of the page which OUR DAVE kindly c/p

    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    I am nearly 40 and am a pretty good judge of what I should take in yay or nay, my doctor is qualified and is supporting me in my decision. I am here to make friends and use the tools, seems Dave (and probably a few others) and I have gotten on the wrong foot purely cos of a decision I made for which I am definitely not going to apologise for. If the pills do not work for me it is my responsibility okay?

    no no, you're not getting off on the wrong foot. We're just sharing our opinions and experiences with you. If you WANT to use a pill that's your choice, fully, we're just saying that in our opinion and experience it 1) doesn't work 2) isn't sustainable 3) is harmful and/or 4)is a waste of money.

    Nobody saying you need to apologize or even take ANY of our advice. That said, there are others here that use Alli. There are also others here that use other pills. To find them try a search of the message boards. I saw some posts about alli users not too long ago.

    good luck:flowerforyou:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    thanks kerri, I know there are other alli users on this forum because they post on the myalli forum too and have a myfitnesspal ticker in their signiture box.... they lead me here bless them :smooched: I have been lurking on their message boards for 2 years... I am aware of the t.e's but it's only for 2 months to kickstart my weightloss and so far so good no t'e's but the minute I start feeling uncomfortable they will be in the bin... I promise :flowerforyou:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    the bottom line is really pretty simple

    if these quick fix or jump start fads worked, then there would be no need for discussion

    everyone would be doing it and there would be no need for these kind of websites

    the one method that is never disputed is the way most people either do from the start or eventually do after they get tired of wasting their time and money

    that one method is exercise and sensible food choices

    if you want to waste your money...that is your choice

    just because a Dr. is supporting your decision, is not good enough for me. Doctors are not infallible

    these types of quick fix / jump start gimmicks come along every day and will always be coming

    eventually you will have to develop a lifestyle that is different than the one that got you here

    or you can continue to look for shortcuts and stay fat and unhealthy

    either way.....do your thing and keep learning

    my advice is to spend that money you are paying for the Doc and the pills on good food

    have fun
    keep a sense of humor
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I think I really started something here, so sorry to get everybodies back up about alli but I have been studying the alli website in the U.S for sometime now and couldn't wait for them to arrive here in the U.K (my chemist got bored with me asking every other month lol)

    I have been on them a week and so far so good... why are you all against them? They were approved by the fda and they are raving about them here in the U.K.

    Sorry if I got on the wrong side of you all, will get my coat......:embarassed:

    A lot of people on here are staunch believers of doing it the old fashioned way. While Alli does do what it says it's supposed to, not too many people are fans of the unfortunate side effects that happen if you go over your alloted fat grams. :bigsmile:

    It's your body! Do with it as you please. Everyone here has the same end destination goal but some take different paths to get there.:flowerforyou:

    I have cheeseburgers & skinny cows every now and then and don't eat clean like others but I've still made progress. :wink: Everyone is different. Don't let that scare you away!

    Dave needs his own pre-warning on how he is. He's very blunt and some people take him the wrong way. You either love him or hate him.
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Welcome! The choice to take pills or not is totally yours and I will wish you luck either way. Glad to have you here, with us.
  • fiddlechic
    fiddlechic Posts: 196
    Ive heard bad things about alli. since alli recommends a low fat diet plan and exercise anyway why not just do that and skip the alli.

    i myself have been taking metabolife for some energy but it hasnt made any difference so i'm back to believing that eating right and exercise is the only way to go. you will see results.
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Thanks for your kind words Iceprincess :flowerforyou: I love eating healthy, I kickstart my day with a pint of lukewarm water to flush toxins out and then enjoy my oatmeal, lunch is usually a wholemeal sandwich and a cup of soup (homemade) then dinner is real healthy with veg and fish or chicken. I have my activia and actimel as snacks with some fruit. My only real indulgence is having a tiny bit of chocolate to satisfy my pangs but recently I discovered special K bliss with raspberry and dark chocolate mmmm :tongue:

    I might take up power walking now the weather is nice, will ask my neighbour if she would join me or I will just have to plug in my iPod to get this body of mine moving again:bigsmile: Oh yeah and dust off the wii fit and get my son to teach me how to use it would be an idea too :laugh:

    Thank you for the positive messages, much appreciated. Oh and Dave I have one hell of a personality and sense of humour... shame you can't see that instead of jumping down my throat again :huh:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    laura please go to the dr asap the just recalled hydroxycut it causes liver damage and reported death its on yahoo and news this morning

    I am not taking them now, I haven't for 9 years, and I have had a liver ultrasound not too long ago and I am fine.
  • Vanessa1969
    Vanessa1969 Posts: 144 Member
    I have read up on Alli as well, and the impression that I got was that it used negative motivation to get you to voluntarily change your diet.
    You either take the pills when you are supposed to and suffer extremely unpleasant side affects from high fat intake, you lower your fat intake and make changes to your diet in order to avoid the side affects, or you don't take the pills when you are supposed to and eat anything you want. I have heard lots of cases where people just don't take the pills before meals when they know that the fat content will cause the side affects. I don't understand why those people would think that they would be successful at losing weight?
    I know that a significant lifestyle change requires motivation - and sometimes a great deal of it. However, it seems like a waste of money to use a pill to accomplish what you will end up having to do yourself in the long run - which is to make a change to your eating habits.
    It is not always a question of whether they are dangerous for your health - but more a danger to your pocketbook. Pharmaceutical companies don't care whether you are overweight or not, they just care about the money and the marketing of a diet pill is making them billions.
    Can I suggest that you hang around here for a couple of weeks, learn to log in your food, develop the mindset that every single bite you eat has a value to it so you start making a conscious decision about what you eat, and start exercising before you start on the pills? There are so many members here who have lost vast amounts of weight without drugs and they will provide all the motivation and inspiration that you need.
    If after a couple of weeks of this you find that you aren't getting results, then you always have the option to take the pills and see how you do. Even on the pills, I think you will enjoy being a member here.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    helenS70, I am not bashing you for wanting to use alli, it is your choice, it is just my own personal choice not to use pills to get to my goal, because I want to say that I did it by myself. Anyways welcome to MFP, the best website on the web. I :heart: it here and I think you will too. This site is so motivational, helpful, supportive and so easy to use. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    You might find that using this site eliminates the need for taking alii.
    (no pun intended)
    It's a great place to be inspired & learn a lot from some very successful folks who have come a long way, & others who are bumbling along as best we can. :wink:
    But we're all in it for the long haul & this is a great place for support.
    Welcome & good luck.
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    LOL Georg... great to see someone with the same sort of humour as me

    I have read a few other threads here and I must say I am very impressed with mfp and the support is tremendous... I almost feel loved LOL :laugh:

    Time for my beauty sleep ahem :blushing: .... will see you all tomorrow, goodnight :flowerforyou:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    You might find that using this site eliminates the need for taking alii.
    (no pun intended)
    :laugh: @ Georg

    Maybe we could a-void people taking alli by promoting this little known effect!?.
    (one good pun deserves another)

    Rest well in the Valleys, Helen :wink:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi Helen, Welcome to mfp. I will be 40 in 2010 as well. I can relate to you wanting to get in shape before then. As for the alli that is between you and your doctor. Best of Luck I hope have great success. I also hope to see you on this site again :flowerforyou:
  • serena1974
    serena1974 Posts: 1
    hello im new,
    from australia looking for buddys
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