Contraception = weight gain?


This might be slightly more woman orientated but guys feel free to chip in if you have any useful experiences/knowledge.
I was thinking back to the time I really began to put on weight and it coincides with when I had the Implanon fitted. Yes my diet and exercise could be better but I sometimes think my weight doesn't seem to fit with my lifestyle, I eat badly but not HORRENDOUSLY. I've read a lot of reviews that say the Implanon causes people to put on a great deal of weight more often than not. I was just wondering whether you think it might be worth having it removed and going on the injection instead? I don't trust myself to remember the pill



  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Two things: yes contraceptive can make you gain weight. I'm surprised you weren't told this. Two, I was confused about why I was gaining so much weight... I eat pretty healthy because of food allergies..what I didn't take into consideration was the number of calories I was putting away! MFP has been a huge eye opener for me, that is for sure. So, I don't know how faithfully you are logging, but I highly recommend it. If you don't want others to see what/how much you are eating, you can keep your food diary private.
  • Radcliffe83
    if you don't have it, i am sure you will get fat for at least 9 months.
  • lougru
    lougru Posts: 55
    Contraception increases your appetite. it does not just magically make you gain weight. so im afraid your appetite may just be higher than it was
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I never gained any when I used contraception.

    you do realize I can't see threads like this and not make these dumb jokes....
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    If you're not satisfied with the Implanon but don't want to worry about a pill every single day, you have a couple of other options you can look into. Yes there is the shot but anecdotally I feel like there are still a lot of reports of side-effects/weightgain with that one too. Plus you can't just 'stop' the shot whenever you feel like, once they give it to you, you just have to wait around for it to wear off. IDK. Some women really like it but others are not exactly satisfied. It's really individual.

    You also have the option of looking into an IUD (either hormonal or non-hormonal - they are inserted into your uterus by a dr. and can stay in place for years, but can also be removed by your dr whenever you like) or NuvaRing (you insert it into your vagina yourself (not up into the uterus like the IUD) - it is hormonal like the pill, you keep one ring in for 3 weeks, then leave it out for 1 week, then insert a new one for 3 weeks etc. Everyone has different preferences and everyone has a different experience with possible side effects on various birth controls. It's really trial and error until you find one that works for you and your lifestyle. Regardless, if you are tracking your calories and exercise and sticking to your goals, you shouldn't gain 'real' weight although there's always the possibility of holding onto water weight even if you think you're doing everything right. Very frustrating but one of those things we just have to deal with sometimes.

    Good luck.
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    Two things: yes contraceptive can make you gain weight. I'm surprised you weren't told this. Two, I was confused about why I was gaining so much weight... I eat pretty healthy because of food allergies..what I didn't take into consideration was the number of calories I was putting away! MFP has been a huge eye opener for me, that is for sure. So, I don't know how faithfully you are logging, but I highly recommend it. If you don't want others to see what/how much you are eating, you can keep your food diary private.
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    I got pregnant and had two kids and I LOST weight with them. Got the Mirena.. bam 20lbs in less than a year. It's vicious.
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    i didnt experiance weight gain wit the implant i was at my smallest 9stone 5lbish after it got taken out was when my weight went up then had my son it went up even more :laugh: altho i had my TOM for 3 weeks at a time with 2 days between the next one :grumble:

    im worried about gettng the pill as for weight gain! off to the docs for my postnatal today not looking forward to it!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Depo shots are just as bad IMO. My favorite and most least harmful BC was that NUVA ring. Once a month; leave that sucker in for 3weeks, remove, get period, repeat. It gradually releases the hormones into the body. No it doesn't "interfere" with getting physical and NO it doesn't fall out... if it does that's a whole OTHER issue!
  • Katielou112
    Katielou112 Posts: 55 Member
    Whether it's down to appetite or what I have definitely experienced a surge in weight gain since having the Implanon in comparison to the pill. Maybe I'll just face the pill again, the IUD sounds okay too though. Thanks for all your advice, much appreciated xx
  • KaylaKilgore
    KaylaKilgore Posts: 160 Member
    I was on Depo for a year a couple years ago, just currently got back on it. But with my lifestyle on addition to it increasing my appetite I gained 30 or more. I don't blame that entirely on the shot though. That's why I got back on it a month ago and starting to exercise and eat better :)
  • Katielou112
    Katielou112 Posts: 55 Member
    It's definitely not all the Implanon's fault lol, but I'm just worried it's making it harder to lose because of the appetite increase. If so I'd rather get it removed and start something else x
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Two things: yes contraceptive can make you gain weight. I'm surprised you weren't told this. Two, I was confused about why I was gaining so much weight... I eat pretty healthy because of food allergies..what I didn't take into consideration was the number of calories I was putting away! MFP has been a huge eye opener for me, that is for sure. So, I don't know how faithfully you are logging, but I highly recommend it. If you don't want others to see what/how much you are eating, you can keep your food diary private.

    Okay, this is just bad info. Not all contraception causes weight gain.

    Implanion is known as the contraception most likely to cause issues - they believe it's because you are sending the hormone through your entire blood stream, rather than a more localized approach. If you had problems with that, it's likely it was the Implanion.

    Someone else commmented that their Mirena caused weight gain. That one is significantly less likely. If I recall correctly, during clinical trials only 0.8% of participants experienced weight gain. (I could be slightly off, but it's a very low number). I have not had an issue with mine at all, and I've had the Mirena for two years. Mirena is an IUD, as someone mentioned, and because of the more localized hormonal release, you're less likely to experience the side effects that you would with Implanion.

    Nuvaring is also a good option with a similarly low rate of weight gain like the Mirena. Same hormonal based contraceptive.

    Paragard is another IUD option, which uses copper rather than a hormone to prevent pregnancy. This is good if you want to avoid hormones or feel like you may be overly sensitive to them (like they are more likely to cause you weight gain.) Paragard is good for 10 years (Mirena 5), and is inserted by your health practitioner. Can be removed any time. Paragard has a slightly higher rate of pregnancy in clinical trials (I think Paragard was like 0.9% where Mirena was 0.4%?) which is one reason I chose Mirena. The other reason is because they don't know how Paragard works really, just that it does. I'm not crazy about the "we know this works but have no clue why" approach, but that's just me.

    Paragard is more likely to make your periods slightly heavier, Mirena tends to make them lighter, and with the Mirena about 6 months after insertion 20% of women stop having a period altogether. I'm one of the 20%. I'm okay with that.

    I love my Mirena, really. I know people that love their Paragard. I also had Nuvaring and loved that, too. I think you might find that you would be really happy with any of those choices. I highly recommend researching, and use the sites for the medication and read the package inserts (available on all the websites). It will give you a lot of really good information.

    If you have questions feel free to message me. I'm a wanna be women's health nurse practitioner, so I've done a fair amount of research and reading in this area. :-)
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    i started out on the pill- no problems with that. then i moved to depo and between that and my lifestyle i gained close to 50 lbs or more. when i got off depo i lost about 20 lbs asap but it took me over 2 years to get pregnant with my daught. after my daughter was born BAM dropped 20 lbs right away but had to work on losing the next 30. for 2 years ive been on mirena with no problem, no TOM, no weight gain.
    most bc can cause weight gain. if youre not happy with what you are on talk with your ob/g and hopefully you can find one that works best for you.
    just like any medication you may need to try a few out before you find the one that works best
  • starscapenatasha
    I was told by my physician that typically people who wind up experiencing the side effect of weight gain on birth control typically had weight problems to begin with. Of course, when we had those conversations we were talking about the pill and Nuvaring, not Implanon (which I've wanted for awhile).
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    i have been on the pill for a little over 6 years and i did not start gaining weight until 2 years ago when i turned 30 so in my case, i cannot say the pill has caused me to gain any weight.

    be warned though, it does increase appetite (this is clearly stated on the information leaflet in my pill box) so the onus is on you to make good food choices.
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I went and got it to deal with sever symptoms I was having during TOM, and was told BC would help. My weight immediately went up. I was like screw this, I'm working so hard to lose it I don't want this. My mom told me that when she was having issues she took Vitamin B complex and B6. Started taking those daily and I haven't had any of the severe nausea I was having since. And since I don't need it right now for the contraceptive properties, I think I'll continue to not take it. I don't need that side effect.
  • CherryIceGlitter
    I never gained any when I used contraception.

    you do realize I can't see threads like this and not make these dumb jokes....

    LOL to this dude.!

    I have the IUS (the coil) and my lordy that made me eat like a man!