New to this

My name is Barb and I have done weight watchers before. and this seems to be simlar. I hope to at least lose 30lbs.
before this summer so I can be more active out side I love gardening and mowing land scapeing.


  • Hey Barb

    I am new to this to, and have also done weight watchers with some success. This seems like a great app to keep track of calories in calories out. My goal is 40 pounds by summer. Keep me posted on your progress.


  • barbwilson123
    barbwilson123 Posts: 3 Member
    Sure will and you keep me posted as well, The difference in this time is i am also doing an exercise program. its a Wii active 2
    so maybe the weight will not come back as fast.
  • Hi Barb and Laurie

    I'm new too. Feel free to add me as a friend. I am looking to make friends with others who will keep me motivated and inspired, not to mention be understanding of the odd slip up and set back.

    Unfortunately for me it's summer here already!

  • barbwilson123
    barbwilson123 Posts: 3 Member
    Winter here, and I hate the cold. where are you from that you are so lucky to be in summer.
