Feeling Bummed...

So I'm almost 12 weeks pregnant and for the past 4 weeks have been miserable with all day morning sickness and exhaustion from that and the meds they put me on to help control it... I've probably only been to the gym about 3 times in the past 4 weeks and I used to go at least 6 days a week!! My husband still goes every day and I know it's probably bad of me but I kind of resent him for it. I feel like he's going to be all buff and looking good this summer and I'll just be this huge beached whale of a wife. It makes me sad :frown: I know eventually I'll stop being sick and I plan to start back to the gym as soon as I can, and I try to walk at work on my breaks also, but I don't know, I'm just having a down day I guess.


  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Ok here's my pep talk for you :wink:

    Stop it right now! Give yourself a break. Your body is working very hard right now to grow your baby. You shouldn't push yourself too hard if your body is telling you it needs rest. And feeling guilty is stressful so stop that too :flowerforyou:

    I completely understand wanting to be healthy and workout throughout your pregnancy. Sometimes our bodies just don't like to cooperate. This will pass and you will feel better. Then you can get back on the wagon. For now, just do the best you can and don't beat yourself up. You're body's making a baby! So exciting. Now go take a nap, lol.
  • 08caseyk
    You can still go the gym while pregnant, they'll just need to talk to your doctor and they'll set up a program to keep you fit. They did it for me. Plus the morning sickness will be over soon, unless your unfortunate enought to have it the entire pregnancy like me. But thats not too normal. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, try to enjoy it (:
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Ok here's my pep talk for you :wink:

    Stop it right now! Give yourself a break. Your body is working very hard right now to grow your baby. You shouldn't push yourself too hard if your body is telling you it needs rest. And feeling guilty is stressful so stop that too :flowerforyou:

    I completely understand wanting to be healthy and workout throughout your pregnancy. Sometimes our bodies just don't like to cooperate. This will pass and you will feel better. Then you can get back on the wagon. For now, just do the best you can and don't beat yourself up. You're body's making a baby! So exciting. Now go take a nap, lol.

    ^^^This exactly. I totally get your frustration, but your body needs rest more than exercise right now. Just think about that wonderful baby growing. You can get back on track when you feel better!
  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132
    You need a HHUUGG!!! You baby grower you, what an amazing feat, it beats your hubbies workout hands down, see if he can grow a baby. You won't be pregnant forever, despite how it feels, let it go and enjoy. It's the epiphany of womanhood, you are pure woman!! Now check your posture, pat your baby and SMILE!!
  • staceyGO
    staceyGO Posts: 376
    How about you focus on the miracle of pregnancy for a bit. It seems to me you were trying really hard to conceive, and now you are complaining about it. You are growing a baby for goodness sake, some people can't do that. Relax, support the growth of the being. When your morning sickness subsides in a month or 2, get back on active track. Until then nap, and remember you are going to be a mom. :)
  • chicagocubsfan23
    How about you focus on the miracle of pregnancy for a bit. It seems to me you were trying really hard to conceive, and now you are complaining about it. You are growing a baby for goodness sake, some people can't do that. Relax, support the growth of the being. When your morning sickness subsides in a month or 2, get back on active track. Until then nap, and remember you are going to be a mom. :)

    I'm not trying to complain about being pregnant. We're both so excited to be having a baby! I'm just feeling bummed that I've been such a bum lately. I'm not used to just sitting around and lately I've been so sick that's all I can do... It's just catching up with me I suppose.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Plus too, think about it-if your husband was going through what you are right now, not only would he not be going to the gym, he'd be laying on the floor crying in misery, haha. They have no clue what we ladies go through to bring that baby into the world!
    Big (((HUGS))) to you!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Dont feel like that. You are having a BABY, and your hormones dont know what hit them. Try to look forward and do your best.
  • staceyGO
    staceyGO Posts: 376
    How about you focus on the miracle of pregnancy for a bit. It seems to me you were trying really hard to conceive, and now you are complaining about it. You are growing a baby for goodness sake, some people can't do that. Relax, support the growth of the being. When your morning sickness subsides in a month or 2, get back on active track. Until then nap, and remember you are going to be a mom. :)

    I'm not trying to complain about being pregnant. We're both so excited to be having a baby! I'm just feeling bummed that I've been such a bum lately. I'm not used to just sitting around and lately I've been so sick that's all I can do... It's just catching up with me I suppose.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to be mean... my 3 week old nephew stopped breathing and almost died last week. Stuff like that snaps things back into perspective. All the trivial things I whine about (eating too much, not exercising enough, a plus .2 on the scale, folding laundry) aren't nearly as important as you think they are. I am sorry you are having a tough time.. I'm sure it will get better, and at the end you get a baby!!:heart:
  • flutterqueen04
    I'm not trying to complain about being pregnant. We're both so excited to be having a baby! I'm just feeling bummed that I've been such a bum lately. I'm not used to just sitting around and lately I've been so sick that's all I can do... It's just catching up with me I suppose.

    I TOTALLY understand how you feel!! I spent the last year reprogramming myself to not eat all time, to workout daily and not be a bum on the couch, to stay away from junk, and all that jazz. It does kinda put you down when you are all of a sudden back to the way you were before. I am ESTATIC to be pregnant, and to have made it this far in my first trimester. I am gladly taking the sickness and fatigue cuz it means things are still progressing, but I still can't help but be a little freaked out and upset that I am feeling like a zombie and scared that you'll fall into your old bad habits. Its only natural.

    Hang in there!! We are almost to the second trimester and (hopefully) more energy and a better appetite and control over eating more reasonable healthy foods :-)
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member

    Stop it right now! Give yourself a break. Your body is working very hard right now to grow your baby. You shouldn't push yourself too hard if your body is telling you it needs rest. And feeling guilty is stressful so stop that too :flowerforyou:

    Ditto the above! Your body is going through some of the most strenuous changes it will ever have to make - you'll soon start to feel better and able to fit some exercise in, but stressing isn't going to do you or the babba any good.

    Feet up while you can, in a few months you'll be wishing you had two seconds to breathe LOL
