Am I losing weight or not?

Here's my problem: I started MPF for real on Saturday and I have been watching my calories and working out and drinking a lot of water. Every day so far, I have been under my calorie goal, so I thought I would start seeing some effects. When I weighed myself two days ago, during the day, it said I had lost 4 pounds. I know it is always best to weigh yourself in the morning, so I waited until the next morning and was expecting to still have at least some pounds gone, but I was still at my current weight. When I weighed myself later that day, it said I lost four pounds again, so again, I wanted to wait again to record my weight until this morning. It said I was my current weight again! What the heck is going on? I have been under my calorie goal every day, and under all of the sugar and carb goals also. I work out at least 15 minutes a day, which isn't a lot, but at least it's something.

Also, after I weigh myself during the day, I don't eat too much, well, not enough to gain 4 pounds.

Am I doing something wrong, or is it only because I just started 5 days ago and my body is still getting used to it? Does it have to do with my exercise? I'm confused.


  • horsessrb
    horsessrb Posts: 13 Member
    I'm no pro, but...

    I think its better to only weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day. When I'm sticking to "the plan", it's tempting to weigh in everyday to try and see progress but overall I find the minor ups and downs that happen throughout a week can be discouraging.

    If you go 2-3 weeks and don't see a change, then it might be time to reassess you diet and exercise plan.

    Also, if you're drinking a lot of water and hadn't before you started MPF, that could affect the number on the scale.
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Hi Welcome to MFP! About your your scale an older scale or new. Maybe it is time to replace the scale and get a new digital one. You usually do weigh less in the AM but you also have to take into consideration your sodium intake. I really don't think it should be makin a 4 lb difference though and that is why I suggested maybe a new scale. Hope this helpeded a bit! And don't loose hope we are all here to help!:flowerforyou:
  • i agree with the two previous posters

    1. maybe its time for a brand new scale
    2. i weight in every day but i only really look at every wednesday. this gives me a good idea of how to measure.
  • morgthom75
    morgthom75 Posts: 127 Member
    I also agree with the previos posts. Also, you just started on Saturday! This is gonna take time. You may not even see "results" meaning numbers on the scale for a while. Just stick with it! It works. Calories in < Calories used, is the only way to have healthy, sustainable weight loss. Just give it time. No worries.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    I gained a few pounds and then 30 days later I started to see the pounds drop. Doesn't mean I wasn't loosing fat. My body was just gaining muscle and water at the start
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Dittos to morgthorn75.

    In addition, keep in mind as you keep doing this, you will probably be gaining some muscle mass as you are loosing fat mass, meaning your weight will stay the same. May even have a period of weight gain!

    Do several measurements of desired body parts you want to lose fat from, and observe those changes.
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    Thank you to everyone! It is an old scale, but I didn't want to blame the scale for something that was most likely just my body. Haha. I guess I could try a different scale though. Also, I was only going to weigh-in twice a week, but it is very tempting to check every 10 minutes and I couldn't resist. =) Thank you for your suggestions though. My sodium was lower than the goal for all the days except one, and that was only 25mg over, so I'm not sure if it could be that. About the water, I usually never drank this much water before this, but MPF says to drink at least 8 cups a day, so I try to get in at least 5, usually more. If it is the water that is the problem, will it eventually even out? Thanks again!
  • morgthom75
    morgthom75 Posts: 127 Member
    If it is the water that is the problem, will it eventually even out?

    Yes, your water weight will fluctuate a lot. Just keep trying to hit that 8 glasses and you'll be fine. When your body starts to kick in, you'll see the results in inches lost. The numbers on the scale won't always be on your side.
  • Weight loss is definitely a marathon, not a sprint. I know how tempting it is to weigh yourself every day, especially at the beginning, but do try and avoid it and stick to once a week. All the fluctuation you see might do your mentality more harm than good! And I'd stay on MFP for at least a month - if you've been doing everything the site suggests and, after a month, are seeing no difference, THEN you can reevaluate. Stick it out! Good luck. :)
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    it is best not to weigh yourself everyday as your body flucuates from day to day...pick a day to weigh in and only weigh in on that day...

    over the course of a day your body can "gain" weight...I have seen where at the end of the day I weigh one thing and when I wake up the next morning it is 2 lbs less.

    weight loss is a cumulative effect - not a daily one...

    You may not see a big jump at first and start to feel frustrated...just hang in there slow and steady wins the race...People who loose 2-3 lbs a week in the beginning are usually those that go from a high processed/high junk/ high calorie type diet with very little water and exercise to eating healthy/within calorie range/lots of water & exercise.

    Also your body composition will have a lot to do with it - if you have a lot of fat vs muscle and you jump on the bandwagon you will probably loose more in the beginning - smaller people will loose weight at a lower rate
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    If it is the water that is the problem, will it eventually even out?

    Yes, your water weight will fluctuate a lot. Just keep trying to hit that 8 glasses and you'll be fine. When your body starts to kick in, you'll see the results in inches lost. The numbers on the scale won't always be on your side.

    Ditto this - make sure you take key measurements as that is more indicative than the scale...
  • This is what has just happened to me too - haven't weighed myself in 1.5 weeks and am at exactly the same weight as was then. Gutted, despite running for an hour every day on a resistance-based elliptical trainer and keeping below the calorie limit every day. But I've realised my clothes are definitely looser and I can see my body's changing shape, so it must be muscle mass that's affecting the number on the scale. It's so easy to get caught up in a number, when really we should be focused on an improvement in health and fitness. And as you said, it may be temporary while fat is being replaced with muscle, or it may be our correct body weight that we've reached. We can lose a pile of 'weight' on the scales and it be just water, so the focus on continuing positive health changes should be our primary focus.