too young to be fat

At 21 i found out I was pregnant with my son, I was 140lbs and very happy with my weight, I gained 60lbs durring pregnancy and only lost 20lbs of it, I'm way too young to be fat, really wanting help to get it off. I used to live with a roommate in college and we'd compeat to see who could loose more weight, and i had 3 jobs, i could eat whatever or drink all i wanted but i was still with this extra 40lbs, not only is it sad to go shopping, but i'm not happy ever....i used to be able to turn heads, but now i'm never noticed. Now i'm 23 and I figured all the weight would be off by now but it's not. I'm a stay at home mom so it's hard to get in any workout time. The most exersize I get is jumping over baby gates and laundry day is usually 5-7 loads up and down the stairs every time....i wish i could get back to whare i was and just be happy with myself.


  • nsbrown91
    I Totally Agree with you and feel your pain!!
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    I'm 40 pounds over where I want to be, too. If you need a motivation buddy, add me on MFP!
  • laurennnalicia
    I feel the same way! Im 21 and wayyy overweight. I had a bad break up and I am definitely a bored and emotional eater. I've tried every fad diet out there and lost the weight but always gained more. This time I'm counting my calories! And drinking my water! I can already tell how I was overeating and when I was more prone to eat. It's such a shocker to me now that I was eating that much! Good luck!!!!! You know were here for ya!
  • EngiAli
    EngiAli Posts: 83 Member
    Find a gym that offers babysitting services.
    Buy workout DVD's and do them at naptime
    Find a mom & baby workout class or dance class.
    Bundle up little guy into his stroller and get out for a walk or run whenever the weather allows.
    Never eat off your kids plate, but let your kid eat off of yours!
    Make healthy choices at every meal and snack for your whole family.
  • p0stdramatic
    Everyone is too young to be fat, in my opinion.
  • Rose200
    Rose200 Posts: 48 Member
    Me too! And I'm 33 yrs old. Try and fit in a work out anywhere you can. "They" say it's 80% food and 20% exercise. So make sure you are recording every little bit. Beleive me it adds up. If you need extra motivation, add me as a friend. I'm online alot because it helps me stay on track. You can do it!