Healthy Low Sodium Foods that are Higher in Calories

Hello! I've recently began trying to live a healthier lifestyle with goals of losing weight, cutting cholesterol and lowering sodium intake. I'm finding it difficult to find the right foods to eat that will help me accomplish those goals. Keep in mind that I'm working out 5 days a week during my lunch time. My workout includes 15-20 minutes of cardio followed by weight training for 30-45 minutes. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help!


  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Bump :smile:
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Congrats! you'll soon become an expert label reader, I'm sure!

    I'll share one thing I've learned- which was a revelation to me-
    that foods that are lower in fat - generally labeled "reduced fat"- are almost always HIGHER in sodium/sugar content.

    I'm not usually over on the fat grams each day, so I'll read labels- and most often, I SKIP the reduced fat now.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If you want to reduce your sodium, make your own meals at home and avoid (or mostly avoid) restaurants and processed foods.

    I'm not even trying to eat lower sodium and I still get less than 1,000 grams most days just by eating fresh, homecooked meals and not adding salt.
  • rrrbecca11
    If you want to reduce your sodium, make your own meals at home and avoid (or mostly avoid) restaurants and processed foods.

    I'm not even trying to eat lower sodium and I still get less than 1,000 grams most days just by eating fresh, homecooked meals and not adding salt.

    Amen to all that! Keep your potassium intake up, too, as it works with sodium to flush your body on a cellular level and regulate body fluids, including blood pressure. Ideally, you should get twice as much potassium as sodium.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    My favorite is to make monster pots of chili, but use dried beans instead of canned. You have to soak them and cook them before you make the chili, but it comes out great!
  • sjsanni
    sjsanni Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you for all of your very helpful answers!
  • Kristierlong
    Kristierlong Posts: 163 Member
    Unsalted nuts
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    At this point, I would consider myself a low-sodium professional. I'm glad to see that you're focusing more on the sodium than calories or carbs! That's what I've been doing for quite some time and it certainly works.
    I'll just list it out for you, if that helps:
    - Chicken (Be careful of seasoning... I prefer it plain)
    - Coffee
    - Vegetables
    - Nature Valley bars
    - Milk (Milk doesn't usually kill me on the sodium, but certainly be aware of it).

    Panera is not a safe place, I've regretted every meal I've had there during my sodium cut. Steamed broccoli is great for snacking on too.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    all the healthy fats... avocado, olive oil, unsalted nuts & nut butters, salmon, coconut oil, etc.
  • countrygirl_717
    My favorite is to make monster pots of chili, but use dried beans instead of canned. You have to soak them and cook them before you make the chili, but it comes out great!

    I like this idea. Definitely going to try it in my next chili!
  • bill_i_am
    bill_i_am Posts: 180 Member
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My favorite is to make monster pots of chili, but use dried beans instead of canned. You have to soak them and cook them before you make the chili, but it comes out great!

    I like this idea. Definitely going to try it in my next chili!

    When I do this, I make a couple extra batches of beans and freeze them in the quantities that I need to make each batch of chili. Then you don't have to go through the process of softening the beans every time you want to make it.

    Trust me, you don't want to bite into a raw bean! Blech!