I'm not going anywhere....the weight is this time.....

I have joined fitness communities before always with the same result. I leave. In fact I joined this one for the first time almost two years ago. I think I tracked my weight for a few days, got discouraged and quit. That's my MO......not this time though. I am resolved to actually do something about my weight and my health. I'm setting goals and I'm sticking to them.

It was a hard thing to admit to myself the other day while I was looking in the mirror, but I didn't like myself. At least not the body image portion of me. I need my outside to match my inside. I have been told by my doctor that I have to lose at lease 80 lbs. Wow...that was crazy when he told me that and I thought to myself, "Yeah...whatever....80 lbs.....he is crazy." Funny thing is...I was the crazy one because I couldn't admit to myself I needed to lose the weight and that he was only trying to help me stick around to enjoy my life.

So I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere. I'm excited to meet others with just as must motivation to lose and be healthy. I've already gained so much just from reading posts of others.


  • tcraw15
    tcraw15 Posts: 223 Member
    I know what you mean. I've been discouraged because I don't think I've lost ANY weight this week.. But I'm not giving up either... Just stick with it!
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Little steps at a time, that's the best way - remember the fable of the tortoise and the hare??!!

    Good luck on your journey!
  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm in the same boat. My doctors keeps encouraging WL but haven't actually told me how much I need to lose but I KNOW that I have to. I started October 21st and have lost 8 lbs. today I stepped on the scale and it's showing a 2# gain and I'm discouraged because I've HONESTLY been following my calories and exercising WAY more than I have in a LONG time so its discouraging but I realize that if I give up I'll never succeed in losing this weight.

    I MUST PERSEVERE for myself and for my children. I need to be a better role model for them and they are young enough (ages 3.5 and 2) that hopefully they will never know my poor eating/exercise habits and never embrace them themselves. Good luck you can do it every day is a new day!!!
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    When it finally hit me, that I needed to loose 80 lbs and it was no ones fault but my own. I cried hard. My knees are shot, I did that to myself, now I will have to live with it. That was in May - fast forward to September and I decided to get serious - move forward to today - 30 LBS down!!!!

    What did I do.... First I committed myself. Found MFP, count my calories and got off my butt and exercise. I exercise 6/7 times a week plus weights. Gave up soda and started to drink lots of water.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    I'm in the same boat. My doctors keeps encouraging WL but haven't actually told me how much I need to lose but I KNOW that I have to. I started October 21st and have lost 8 lbs. today I stepped on the scale and it's showing a 2# gain and I'm discouraged because I've HONESTLY been following my calories and exercising WAY more than I have in a LONG time so its discouraging but I realize that if I give up I'll never succeed in losing this weight.

    I MUST PERSEVERE for myself and for my children. I need to be a better role model for them and they are young enough (ages 3.5 and 2) that hopefully they will never know my poor eating/exercise habits and never embrace them themselves. Good luck you can do it every day is a new day!!!

    Dont give up - it could be muscle gain - water weight.... just keep moving - you got this.
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    Baby Steps. Track every single morsel of food that you put in your mouth.
    Set small, attainable goals. You CAN do this!!
  • Sticking to it is the key and never be discouraged by weight fluctuation. We're making lifestyle changes to become new people!!! We can do it!!! WoooooooHooooooo!!!
  • i feel you, everyone who said they were tired of being overweight has overcome their weight issues and am still here just complaining about being overweight..i just added childcare to my membership, i hope i can lose the weight and just be me again, i miss myself

    good luck to you:):) i hope in the next few months we are posting an excitement blog for losing weight:)
  • steveh08
    steveh08 Posts: 66 Member
    Baby Steps. Track every single morsel of food that you put in your mouth.
    Set small, attainable goals. You CAN do this!!

    Could have not said that any better. Welcome to the MFP family.
  • Wow...good for you. I, too, have knee problems and had a bad hip. I used to beat myself up that I did it to myself as well and that sure doesn't help. Now I've had hip replacement and feel like I have a new lease on life but I have to get this weight off (about 50 lbs).
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    When it finally hit me, that I needed to loose 80 lbs and it was no ones fault but my own. I cried hard. My knees are shot, I did that to myself, now I will have to live with it. That was in May - fast forward to September and I decided to get serious - move forward to today - 30 LBS down!!!!

    What did I do.... First I committed myself. Found MFP, count my calories and got off my butt and exercise. I exercise 6/7 times a week plus weights. Gave up soda and started to drink lots of water.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!

    This post made me really really happy for some reason. In my head, I made weight loss so complicated - reading ton's of Women's Health articles and any info I could find, clouding my mind with all these different thoughts and ideas of how to get in shape but never putting it to action because I bogged myself down so much and would actually stress myself out to the point where I didn't care anymore - "This is too difficult! <pizza>" ... but when you put it like that, those are the exact steps I am taking now. I know change will come and I will see results, but I am not hounding myself. Okay, maybe a little bit. But still. Simple approach, results.

    And now I smile, because I will be the one posting this soon :devil: :bigsmile: