Problem Staying under calories

Well, I've read about a billion times on this topic board those who have an issue meeting thier calorie goal b/c they are not hungry or they feel that they get too many calories, well for me, sadly, I have an issue staying under my calorie goal. Not sure what to do actually. Each day I just eat and eat.. what things can I try?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Log everything. Look back and reflect why you felt you needed to eat.

    Choose lean meat, veggies, whole grains, lowfat dairy, nuts and oils. Drink your water.

    You only need X number of calories to be healthy. The rest is all a mind game.
  • skyestarz
    Here are some suggestions:

    Stay away from fast food joints - other than once in a blue moon
    Spend the time at night or in the morning to pack your lunch and snacks for the day
    Try eating a lean meat at night like chicken breast, with brown rice and a vegetable
    Make sure you track everything - it makes you accountable and much more aware of what you're putting into your body
    Remember that what you feed your body is meant to be for nurishment - if you put bad fuel in a car and never do a tune up - it'll wear out (same concept)
    Fill up on fiber and protein - both stave off hunger (hard boiled eggs for breakfast with a little sea salt and oatmeal for example)
    Someone once told me that you should look at your daily food intake like a food banking account. Your daily alloted calories are your starting balance for the day. Strive to never overdraw your account. If you do, the overdraft fees are calories that will be stored as fat
    Don't deprive yourself. Indulge in moderation. I just found some mini ice cream drumsticks recently at Wal-Mart and they are delicious! They only have 130 calories and 7g of fat.

    I'm far from perfect - and am just re-starting my weight loss journey. These are just some things I've learned over the years (didn't always follow them). Also, check out other people's food diaries. That will give you some good ideas when planning your meals for the day and also may highlight areas where you can make changes to cut down on those calories.

    You can do it! ;)