Jillian's 30 day shred!!

OMG i am so out of shape!!! I just finished the 30 day shred level 1 and i am feeling the pain. My body feels like jello. Has anyone else tried this workout?


  • melli244
    melli244 Posts: 63
    OMG i am so out of shape!!! I just finished the 30 day shred level 1 and i am feeling the pain. My body feels like jello. Has anyone else tried this workout?
  • alissandrya
    Yes, and the first few days it can be quite hard- DO NOT GIVE UP- In fact, you must do it every day for at least the first week,. I promise the soreness will get better, but if you skip too many days the soreness gets worse and could make you give up.

    You should be very proud- the first few days are tough. Way to go!

    BTW- you will lose the weight if you stick with it, but for me it took over 2 weeks to see any real weight loss. I almost gave up. So you stick with it!
  • angievan26
    angievan26 Posts: 212
    I have not tried it but Ireally want to... Was it expensive?
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Great workout!! You can find it for under $10 at Walmart or Walmart.com :wink:
  • melli244
    melli244 Posts: 63
    I really liked how she wont let you stop, and she really pushes you. I bought it at amazon.com for 8.99 but i also bought a book and the biggest loser cardio max workout for a total of 25 dollars so i wouldnt have to pay shipping. Im gonna keep it up and im really proud of myself but man it really put me to the test its been a hour and im still feeling like jello LOL man i need this workout!
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    I also just started it and it was so hard! Had trouble getting thru the butt kicks! I got mine at Costco for $8 something....sorry i don't remember exactly. well worth the money:wink:
  • kiwigurly89
    OMG! I cant get through the whole thing! I have to stop about 7 min. before its over due to my asthma! If you have free on demand just go to Exercise tv and they have part 1 and 2 for free! =]
  • magnolia1077
    I LOVE it! I've been doing it for 2 weeks and not ready to go to level 2 yet. But I do love the jello feeling. Makes me feel like I really did something great for myself
  • dmmarie21
    dmmarie21 Posts: 254 Member
    I know how you feel also! Today is my third day, and I can't even imagine going to level 2 haha. I have been doing 40 minutes on the wii fit (That's rough too!) and then right after do the shred for 20. I also have it on excercise channel on demand. They actually have all three levels on there. I've been doing wii and this for 3 days and have lost half a pound :drinker: Probably will gain it back with dinner tonight though.. haha.

    Good luck :drinker:
  • mhuntley79
    mhuntley79 Posts: 6
    How do you enter this? I can't find it
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    lol....I asked the same question just the other day! several people were kind enough to tell me that it was circuit training!
  • MJA1970
    MJA1970 Posts: 32
    I ordered it off eBay the other day. Now I'm a little scared. lol
  • JillDavisWright
    JillDavisWright Posts: 18 Member
    Wow! She just shredded my butt! It is really hard. I thought I was ready to move on from Leslie Sansone type videos to something a little more intense like this but I dunno. Just showed me how bad off I really am. Felt like I was gonna puke for about half of it.
  • sw296862
    sw296862 Posts: 1
    :sad: I tried this and it was ideal in the beginning after I had my daughter. It will get better and easier! Who knew jumping jacks could be so hard.
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    :laugh: haha...who knew kicking your own butt would be so hard!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    If you like this try her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism workout. It is like the 30 day shred but it goes on
    for 40+ minutes. :love: Love it. :love: Then the No More Trouble Spots is prettty good also just not as intense.
  • becbec71
    becbec71 Posts: 136
    I have this but havent tried it yet. I do curves 2-3 times a week and just havent found the time to fit this in at home. I will by monday though, once i get past garage slae weekend!! lol
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    If you like this try her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism workout. It is like the 30 day shred but it goes on
    for 40+ minutes. :love: Love it. :love: Then the No More Trouble Spots is prettty good also just not as intense.
    :noway: Having a hard enough time getting thru 20 min on level 1! cant imagine doing 40+! maybe someday I will be able to build enough endurance.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    By the end I am doing every other jumping jack it is a tough workout. I haven't done one of her videos that don't challenge!
  • corri966
    corri966 Posts: 6 Member
    I heard about this workout and I now want to get it myself.