Not Big on Protein Big on Carbs Help!!

Any Advice for someone who is big into veggies and not big into protein? so when i plug my food into the the log it is making me worried that i'm not going to lose weight is this going to become a problem for me? I eat veggie burgers and endamame and stuff but with the weather tend to go just for veggies.


  • krw9024
    krw9024 Posts: 3 Member
    Just think of it as calories in calories out. If you dont eat much meat you could buy protien powder and mix it with milk or water or even in some foods like a smoothie. I prefer the whey over the soy personally. I have the opposite problem. Im getting too much protien. Good luck!!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    beans are a good source of protein -- spinach is too (I use spinach for my salads a lot)....
    Also try adding nuts and some greek yogurt into your diet.... protein powder also a great idea....
    and eggs - quick and easy.... you can add egg whites into shakes if you like. Oatmeal also has some protein. Do you like tuna? Pretty easy - and low cal. (a whole can is 100 calories)

    But you NEED to eat protein -- you need to feed your body properly, and while fruits and veggies are very important, protein (lean proteins) are also just as important. You will not lose weight the right way (the lasting way) if you don't feed your body right.
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    Whey protein powders are a good way to supplement a low protein diet. I have the Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard brand which has 24g of protein and only 120 cals.
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    I agree with Marcy... your body needs Protein to properly function, there is just no other way around it.

    You can get your protiens in many forms other than meat, like with supplements, beans, nuts, dairy, and eggs. If you do not keep up with your protien you run a very high risk of loosing your muscle mass and once it's gone it's very very difficult for you to gain it back. :/
  • sailorsiren13
    ok the other issue is i'm lactose intolerant since my last pregnancy 6 years ago thanks to my son haha so i have to stick to the soy and veggie stuff and the greek yogurt mmm yeah i tried. i will be getting some shakes though i guess sooner rather than later any more ideas please let me know!
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Many of the whey protein powders are lactose free. They also mix well with Almond milk.

    Scrambling 2 eggs into your veggies with quinoa is an option as well.

    Keep in mind protein is thermogenic and essential in cell recovery following exercise.
  • bmjohnso9192
    I just posted a meal in the Recipies forum...Chick pea lovers. If you like chick peas, check out my recipe, its great, and lots of protein!
  • stephanietisi
    What about trying things with Soy? Like this morning, I made soy chorizo with eggs and a flour was healthy, it was yummy, and I got in most of my carbs in the morning so I was able to work a lot of it off during the day.