Ideas: Cutting Carbs but keeping Calories up

Hello! I am kind of stuck in a weight loss rut right now and while going over my previous food diaries and such I noticed that the times when I have the most success with weight loss is when I am eating fewer carbs. I do not believe in completely cutting out carbs because I know I need carbs in my diet, but I want to cut out some of the excess ones I am having to see if that jump - starts my weight loss again. However I do not want to cut my calories too low. I would love to hear some ideas for low-carb food options that will help me stay at a healthy calorie count. So far here is what my days are going to look like:
Breakfast: 1 cup egg beaters w/ fat free shredded cheddar cheese & salsa
1 cup of black coffee with dairy-free coconut creamer
Snack: string cheese
Lunch: salad with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, Walden Farms salad dressing and tuna
ham sandwich meat w/ cheddar cheese & dijionaise in a lettuce wrap
Snack: string cheese
Dinner: 6 oz grilled chicken breast (boneless, skinless)
Steam Fresh broccoli & cheese sauce
Biochem Protein Powder in 1 cup of Almond Breeze milk

This meal plan keeps my carbs down low but it is only 856 calories/day. Anywho I am just looking for suggestions and ideas on how to up my calorie count without upping my carbs. Thanks!


  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Why do you think that this will work?
  • lar4444
    I think it would be a better idea to cut out all of the cheese rather than carbs. I have cut cheese, and all dairy as a matter of fact. And the results were amazing!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I think it would be a better idea to cut out all of the cheese rather than carbs. I have cut cheese, and all dairy as a matter of fact. And the results were amazing!

    This may be true for you, and it's true for me as well, but it's not necessarily true for all people.

    To the OP: Why are you so concerned with cutting carbs? Carbs aren't bad for you. It's eating a crapton of simple carbs like refined sugar and white flour that's not so healthy. Whole grains have carbs but they're good for you.

    If you are insistent on doing this though, you'll have to get more calories from proteins and fats, simple as that. Throw more lean meats into your meal plan, cook with olive oil, and think about things like natural (no sugar added) peanut butter.
  • sdailey4
    sdailey4 Posts: 56 Member
    What about keeping fruits in and brown rice? Both keep you full and are healthy carbs :) I also have issues with weight loss when eating carbs, but seems to not be too bad when it's fruit and brown rice and lots and lots of water... HTH
  • leahalissa
    leahalissa Posts: 88 Member
    I had this same problem. Increase your snacks to extra meals. 5 meals a day. Also, throw in whole eggs once in a while instead of just egg whites. Increase carbs with high fiber.... I make flaxseed bread. The fiber content is essentially the same as the carbs. Net is almost 0 carbs.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    When you cut carbs you have to make sure you're getting enough protein and fat in. Don't use fat free.
  • sunshinegirlnm
    sunshinegirlnm Posts: 312 Member
    My body is similar, less carbs equals better losses. I'd cut back on the cheese a bit and up nuts and nut butters, avocados, olive oil. Also low glycemic fruits like an occasional apple with pb is a good snack. Good luck!
  • michelleherinckx
    Thanks guys! For those who questioned why I am targeting carbs, it is only because I am noticing a trend in my past diary entries that the weeks I have lower carb intake I have a loss and the weeks I don't, I tend to not lose. It's really just an experiment I am not anti-carb or anything like that.

    I think I am going to add some nuts to my food and fruit...and just play around with different things to see what I get. I just want to be healthy about it. Thanks for the input everyone!
  • Mikaylarae27
    Mikaylarae27 Posts: 175 Member
    Maybe your body responds to that best. I've heard that cutting ALL grains, dairy, and sugar is best, and I'm working on it myself, one thing at a time though. I'm pretty grain free. Just working on the other two now.
  • daniellelgibbs
    I dont think that you should cut out dairy because you need that for your bones. But I would suggest not eating so much cheese. You have cheese at breakfast, string cheese 2x for snacks and cheese on your veggies. I think one string cheese add a weight watchers yougart along with no cheese on veggies or at breakfast will help you a lot. My finace had that problem with wanting cheese all the time and we cut it out to only 1 string cheese for lunch and a sprinkle of shredded cheese on his veggies with a 8oz glass of 1% milk at supper he lost 20 lbs in a month. I know he is a male and build different but that is something to consider.
  • CaoimheAine
    My body is similar, less carbs equals better losses. I'd cut back on the cheese a bit and up nuts and nut butters, avocados, olive oil. Also low glycemic fruits like an occasional apple with pb is a good snack. Good luck!

    also agree :)
  • Bellyroll
    Please tell me you where finding a way to get calcium.
  • aweightymatter
    Almond Breeze has a ton of added calcium -- I think something like three times as much as regular milk. I drink it for taste reasons, do not consume much other dairy, and eat a ton of spinach and broccoli, and my calcium levels here on MFP are always over my goal. :)
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    I had some success getting past plateaus but cutting (a) wheat; (b) cow dairy; (c) high-sugar fruits; and (d) alcohol. Not for a long time, usually just 10-14 days at a time, and not necessarily all at the same time. I generally do not eat wheat or high-sugar fruit.

    Like others have mentioned, carbs aren't necessarily the enemy, but significant quantites of processed simple carbohydrates -- white bread, white pasta, white sugar (are you sensing a theme?) -- really don't belong in a balanced, healthy diet.

    Some relatively high calorie, low simple-carb options I like:
    steel-cut oatmeal
    celery + natural PB or almond butter; celery or red bell pepper + hummus
    nuts, especially cashews, almonds, and pine nuts -- but watch the portion size
    goat cheese
    roasted pumpkin seeds
    SMALL serving (for me, 1/4 cup, once a day) of brown rice, black beans & lentils combined
    sweet potatoes roasted with olive oil (so good with onions, butternut squash, and sausage)

    On a regular, on-track day, I'll eat all these things along with lots of poultry and fresh leafy veggies like spinach and kale.

    Good luck!
  • michelleherinckx
    Muahahaha I added celery and almond butter and a serving of walnuts and it made my calorie count right on without increasing my carbs - thanks for the ideas everyone! :)
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Muahahaha I added celery and almond butter and a serving of walnuts and it made my calorie count right on without increasing my carbs - thanks for the ideas everyone! :)

    Avocado and coconut oil can also add a decent caloric load.
  • Luthorcrow
    Add in some more healthy fats like avocado, raw nuts, etc.