turbo fire?

hi im thinking of trying the beachbody turbofire, has anyone tried it? what do you think does it work?


  • eabutterfly
    eabutterfly Posts: 16 Member
    I do it now, and I've lost about 10lbs since the beginning of last month, and i don't usually lose weight that fast! I love the energy and the music, so I would definitely recommend it. Make sure you get the entire system because the resources that come with the workouts are so beneficial!
  • Lozx87
    Lozx87 Posts: 130 Member
    im happy that it is working for you i just hope it does for me.
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    I've done it twice with great results. Two of my clients did it and both lost 15 lbs. Let me know what you decide!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    If you're looking for a good cardio program this one will definitely work! There are long and short workouts; long ones have a little bit of HIIT and there are a couple of HIIT only workouts (High Intensity Interval Training). When you start it takes a little bit to figure out the moves but you can do the "new to class" workout that will walk you through the combinations step by step. The good news it that the workouts are similar enough that once you get one figured out the others are pretty easy to catch on to. I personally don't like the program for strength training though and have been doing the P90X workouts for that but will be switching to New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women as soon as my book comes and I figure out their plan. :)

    It's exercise. It will work if you do. :)
  • Lozx87
    Lozx87 Posts: 130 Member
    i dont have a hrm so what would i put it under in the exercise portion?