
I need some motivation,
here's the deal starting my diet it on saturday.
I need to lose five pounds that I gained back from my 22lb weight loss. I would love to lose ten though
Problem? I have become addicted to food....I need someone to help me get over this please


  • JLawless00
    JLawless00 Posts: 2 Member

    I can honestly say that I am addicted too. What's worse? I'm a chef and work in the restaurant biz. All day I'm around pastries and great food. How am I dealing with it? I honestly had to say to myself. . . Do I want to eat all I want and be fat or do I want to moderate myself and be fit? I chose moderation. I STILL EAT SWEETS AND FRIES AND BURGERS! I only do it sometimes now instead of everyday. My favorite weapon? Subway. I get lots of veggies on my sub and keep it on the light side of mayo and sauces. It helps fill me up. Also drink plenty!:smile:
  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    people are really bad at answering these aren't they? but thank you for your reply
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I found my addiction to food was so bad that when I started eating properly and dieting - I started getting headaches, was feeling shaky and couldn't concentrate.

    If you look it up, those are withdrawal symptoms to what could only be an addiction to food.

    To put it bluntly, there's no easy way to get over an addiction to anything. The real way to beat any addictions is the old fashion way of following these steps:

    Step Number One: Identify what problem you have
    Step Number Two: Learn what it will take to overcome the problem you have
    Step Number Three: Have the courage to tackle your problem in the face of adversity

    No one can do this for you. You just need to want it BAD ENOUGH. Remember: it's a lifestyle change, not a chore or something to do overnight.

    And finally, just remember these words that have helped me in my hardest times (and will continue to do so):

    "Don't let a moment of weakness turn into a moment of regret"

    (Also, the lack of responses to this thread is testament to how difficult it is for people to do Step Number One)
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    moderation !!
    that and try logging ur meals before u begin the day then whatever unhealthy crap u want work ur butt off for :D

    this also works for me:
    this piece of cake is about 200-300 calories.
    thats at least 30DS TWICE
    thats at least an hr walk
    thats at least yoga 3-4 times....etc.
    is it really worth it???
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    people are really bad at answering these aren't they? but thank you for your reply
    haha nobody ever replies to my questions so i know what you mean xD