Looking for dedicated supporters with similar stats :)

Hello, I've been on MFP for almost 9 weeks & doing pretty well so far :) I have my ups & downs, and I am very supportive, just ask my current friends !! LOL
I am looking for MFP'ers who like to motivate and support, who have similar stats as me. If you are similar to me please add me and send me a little message and tell me about you. Cheers !!

Me: I'm 32, married, no kids, I have knee pain, currently my workouts consist of elliptical, treadmill, bodypump class, walking, & JM 30DS, and I have my food diary open (so yours must be too ). I've logged consistently for about 60 days now and enjoying the journey. I'm looking to lose at least 32 pounds.
SW 182lbs
CW 174
GW 150
UGW 145


  • greg331
    Hey there...I could use some motivation as well...as always, the weight is dropping my first week and want to follow through this time...all my stats and logs are open. I had some thoughts about your exercise but a little too tired now to go into it...let me know if interested and I'll drop you a note tomorrow. Good luck!! -Greg
  • lovelee79
    I love my current friends, although looking for some similar ladies !!
    add me