Hurts to eat



  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    i'd also check into gall bladder function. That can be tested with a Hida Scan. ( pain and digestive problems tend to "hide" in the gallbladder)

    -this is just my opinion and not that of an opinion of a professional. I have only worked in the medical field for about 7 years and have no clinical hands on experience besides talking and hearing surgeons discuss patient matters.


    hope they figure it out!
  • Pukenui
    Pukenui Posts: 31 Member
    Have you ever had an eating disorder? it's just i saw a documentary on a chic who was bulimic and for years later couldn't hold anything down. Just a thought :)
  • dansing83
    dansing83 Posts: 47 Member
    Get a second opinion, if that doesn't work, get a third or fourth or fifth opinion. You need to speak up and tell you doctor that you are not satisfied with the care you are getting. You want them to be more aggressive in finding out the cause of your pain and treating it. Doctors are very busy and over worked, like most of us, they listen to the person who complains or speaks up the most. You need to keep asking, keep calling, keep emailing, get second opinions, etc, until you are satisfied with the results. You are your best advocate! Get in there and stand up for yourself! :)
  • sheclimbsrocks
    sheclimbsrocks Posts: 110 Member
    You poor thing! :(

    I had bad acid reflux so bad that I couldn't lie down for months, and every time I ate it felt like something was chewing the insides of my stomach. Is that what you mean by hurt? What kind of hurt?

    They never figured out my cause, but once they prescribed me Nexium it brought the acid down. It was the only drug that worked. Once the pain and acid reflux went away, I stopped taking it. My stomach problems have completely gone away since I cut dairy out of my life. I now think that I was lactose intolerant. I have been nearly vegan for almost a year (I only eat eggs from my farm share), and I have had zero stomach problems since.

    That's my hurting to eat story. I hope you find a solution! It's a horrible thing to go through. Good luck!
  • salmasy
    Definitely see a doctor asap, even if you have to pay a lot to have your entire digestive system looked at, all you ever really have in life is your health, and if you can't eat you won't even have that.
    while waiting (which you really shouldn't be as an inability to eat should be medical emergency territory, but alas doctors are idiots) try a small bit of as many kinds of food as you can, rate them in terms of how bad they are for it, compare acidity of them, may help to know if it's specifically acidic foods, then compare sugar levels (heck try lard and sugar on their own, if the lard is easy to keep down then the problem is specific to sugar)

    if it starts to feel like your body is ripping itself apart (not being figurative here) stop eating.
  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    I've never had an eating problem in my life. The only rule I go by is that I eat when I'm hungry and I stop eating when I don't feel hungry anymore, but not stuffed. People say that's a problem because I don't usually get a full 1200 calories in, but for my body I get enough to eat. However, the pain I feel is like a stabbing right above my stomach, and it hurts even when I'm not eating. It's definitely not my acid reflux either. It's right in the middle between my ribs but just above the stomach in a weird spot. It hurts almost all the time, but it's definitely worse when I eat. I don't even know how to describe the pain, except that it's instant nausea that I can't hold back no matter how hard I try.
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    I hope you find your answers soon and I would also recommend another doctor. If they are not listening and just prescribing meds they aren't helping you make a long term change.
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    go to a chiropractor too - spinal problems will often refer around to the front
  • anyonebutmehaha
    omg, i am so pissed off and frustrated for you! they laughed? at pain and being unable to keep food down? well check this out- your doctors? THEY WORK FOR YOU! once you really get that concept , and all that it means~ the power bases reverse and you will no longer be 'bullied" like you have been. you think you need a referral to a gastroenterologist? (btw, so do i, in the worst way). don't ask for one- demand it. you pay them- they are there to serve you. get it?
    to have done so little diagnostic work on someone who is unable to preform a very basic function of living for past 6 months.., wow. i'm not the suing type but i've seen malpractice suits for far far less. get the referral on sat and fire their *kitten*. remember MD can also stand for Made D's all through medical school, the kid that serves your coffee in morning might ave 50 IQ points on your doctor.
    promise that you won't be intimated by initials after someone's name and will become a stronger advocate for yourself and your life. you should never be put in the position of being so desperate that you have to ask for a diagnosis on the internet from strangers whom even if a couple happened to be qualified they cannot exam you, have access to your medical records and test results, etc. they all have a job and not one of those jobs is Imabeliever92's Doctor. the person that is paid to hold that job title should be kicking over every stone to find out exactly what is wrong with you.

    good luck. get answers. demand them. you deserve a better quality of life. ((hugs))
  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    Okay went to the doctor today and demanded to get checked out today. My spine was out of alignment, so he fixed that for me, and that fixed a tiny portion of the problem. However, he still wasn't listening about the sugar part of it. Not until I mentioned how I'm always thirsty even though I drink like 12 glasses of water a day. So I'm going to be set up for a LOT more testing. They're checking me for a hernia (hiatal or something I believe) and something else as well, plus checking me for a blood sugar problem.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    You throw up alot? Maybe damage to the esophagus. At what point does it start to hurt? When you swallow? Chew? Or while it's digesting and your stomach starts to hurt?
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    Okay went to the doctor today and demanded to get checked out today. My spine was out of alignment, so he fixed that for me, and that fixed a tiny portion of the problem. However, he still wasn't listening about the sugar part of it. Not until I mentioned how I'm always thirsty even though I drink like 12 glasses of water a day. So I'm going to be set up for a LOT more testing. They're checking me for a hernia (hiatal or something I believe) and something else as well, plus checking me for a blood sugar problem.

    Did you talk about seeing a gastroenterologist, I can't believe your doc has not already referred you to one. All this throwing up is very dangerous to the esophogus, I don't want to scare you about this but it is very serious. PLEASE insist upon it!!!
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    I forgot to ask you, I see you are only 19 years old, where are your parents on this issue? Maybe you can get one of them to go to the doctor with you. I would hate to think you are trying to handle this on your own. I know you are over 18 so there isn't much they can do to speak for you, but I really think you should have an adult involved in this with you. If you were my daughter I would want to know and help you get the medical attention you need for this.
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    Okay went to the doctor today and demanded to get checked out today. My spine was out of alignment, so he fixed that for me, and that fixed a tiny portion of the problem. However, he still wasn't listening about the sugar part of it. Not until I mentioned how I'm always thirsty even though I drink like 12 glasses of water a day. So I'm going to be set up for a LOT more testing. They're checking me for a hernia (hiatal or something I believe) and something else as well, plus checking me for a blood sugar problem.

    I have an apparent slight hiatus hernia as well and I believe my spine problems caused it. So always try to keep your spine strong.
  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    I've been out on my own since I was 17. My parents have never been extremely involved in my life, and I don't have much support, so I do have to do a lot of this on my own. I did tell the doctor I want a gastroenterologist as well, and he's going to be referring me to one as well. That's what I was forgetting to mention, silly me. So I HOPE things are going to get fixed and fast. I just wish my spine could remain strong on its own. Back problems run in my family. I have Fybromyalgia (sp?) and they're also checking for some weird type of arthritis as well. My sister has both. She also has a series of stomach problems too, but hers are easier to diagnose than mine are. My biological father seemed to have a lot of stomach issues too before he died, and now my uncle is having a lot of stomach problems the doctors haven't been able to diagnose either.