For a the new people...

Hi! I was once new too. I was unhappy with myself and the way I looked so I decided to change. In Jan of this year I joined this site just to count calories in meals. I quickly added friends and I have religiously logged everyday. Would I have stayed on track without MFP? Honestly, probably not. I had tried and failed so many times before.
If I hadn't stuck with this I would not be going to Christmas this year 100 lbs lighter than last. If I hadn't stuck with it I wouldn't push myself to exercise even when I don't want to. If I hadnt done this for me I wouldn't have been able to buy a whole new winter wardrobe this year because absolutely NOTHING from last year fit.
We all need a cheering section or just an accountability partner. I encourage you to add friends (even myself) so you can share your ups and downs with people who are going through the same thing. Regardless of how much you have to lose its always nice to take the journey with someone!

Good luck to all of you and may you find great success!

*stupid iPhone. The topic was supposed to say for all the new people*


  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    well said :D
  • Jesusinme4life
    Jesusinme4life Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks for sharing this it gives me encouragement, as well as your weight loss inspires me because I have a large amount of weight to lose. Thank you for your offer of friendship because I am finding the friends I am making here very supportive and encouraging:smile:
  • Monamolisa
    wow, very inpiring, thank you!
  • amber_bamber09
    amber_bamber09 Posts: 35 Member
    Well said. Thanks*