The BIG question...

Chocolate: Yay or Nay?!

Do you allow chocolate in your diet? Can you only have a little bit if you do? Or if you don't do you crave it alot? Or have you forgotten?

I am craving chocolate and don't know whether to give in and have a bit or to wait - seeing as I'm so focused on losing this weight. I don't want to allow myself some and then find I have eaten LOADS. Or just start craving it all the time :( Oh Chocolate!!! Why do you taste so GOOD?!?!?!


  • ratellcm
    ratellcm Posts: 170 Member
    I eat it EVERY SINGLE DAY! :D

    I bought a big bar of 72% dark chocolate, and I only have a square a day and it's only 55 calories per square.. and because it's dark and so not super sweet, one piece is enough!
  • no_where1976
    no_where1976 Posts: 56 Member
    If i'm cravingn it I will allow myself a little bit of what I am craving...if not I become obssessed about it! However, I love chocolate too and have found the fiber one 90 calorie brownies are amazing! I don't like the peanut butter ones for me they are too dry. I hope that helps!
  • no_where1976
    no_where1976 Posts: 56 Member
    I eat it EVERY SINGLE DAY! :D

    I bought a big bar of 72% dark chocolate, and I only have a square a day and it's only 55 calories per square.. and because it's dark and so not super sweet, one piece is enough!

    That's a wonderful idea!!! Love it :)
  • slashkiss
    slashkiss Posts: 74 Member
    This is a lifestyle change and if you LOVE chocolate you aren't going to be able to just give it up completely! You have to learn to enjoy the foods you love in moderation or else you won't survive the change. Learn the serving sizes and calorie count for the sweets you like and learn to incorporate them into your diet every so often. I don't suggest eaing sweets daily but maybe once or twice a week reward yourself for the hard work you do. When I work out and eat healthy all day and end up with extra calories I always use them for some kind of sweet treat!
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Chocolate doesn't stop weight loss
  • angelbeville
    I eat it EVERY SINGLE DAY! :D

    I bought a big bar of 72% dark chocolate, and I only have a square a day and it's only 55 calories per square.. and because it's dark and so not super sweet, one piece is enough!

    I do this too! Fabulous solution!
  • KimmehL
    KimmehL Posts: 373 Member
    I just find things that work into my calories for the day. Sometimes, chocolate is necessary calories. The Fiber One brownies are pretty good, or I have a few (meaning two) Hershey's Kisses or a sugar-free/fat free chocolate pudding.:heart:
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I eat chocolate all the time. I try to eat only good dark chocolate and I make sure its in my calories for the day. I wouldn't say I eat it everyday but probably 2-3 times a week.
  • ldennett
    ldennett Posts: 75 Member
    I eat it every single day too! I feel deprived without it.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    If I deprive myself of something, it's only going to make me want it more and potentionally fall of the wagon. So I try to allow myself stuff or healthy versions once in a while. For chocolate cravings, I usually reach for dark chocolate and I also have Weight Watchers 45-cal mini-fudge bars in the freezer. A lady brought candy into work today and I grabbed 2 Hershey's Dark Kisses for 40 calories total. Nice sweet snack to go with my banana. =)
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I eat it most days - some 70% dark chocolate with almonds or other nuts for a snack, or my favorite, the trader joe's dark chocolate peanut butter cups as a post-dinner treat.

    I suppose if it leads to insatiable cravings, one might want to avoid it. Otherwise, why not?
  • musicaljessica
    This is a lifestyle change and if you LOVE chocolate you aren't going to be able to just give it up completely! You have to learn to enjoy the foods you love in moderation or else you won't survive the change. Learn the serving sizes and calorie count for the sweets you like and learn to incorporate them into your diet every so often. I don't suggest eaing sweets daily but maybe once or twice a week reward yourself for the hard work you do. When I work out and eat healthy all day and end up with extra calories I always use them for some kind of sweet treat!

    I love that idea :) I'm so worried that I'm gonna get obsessed! All I have been thinking about this afternoon is chocolate...Its driving me crazy! Do you think it would help to choose a day or so when I allow myself chocolate? Or just go with the flow? I need to learn how to balance.

    Are there any sweet substitutes I can have that will get rid of this craving?
  • REBEE17
    REBEE17 Posts: 101 Member
    I won't deny myself anything! Everything in moderation :)
  • _Johanna_
    _Johanna_ Posts: 125 Member
    If i'm cravingn it I will allow myself a little bit of what I am craving...if not I become obssessed about it! However, I love chocolate too and have found the fiber one 90 calorie brownies are amazing! I don't like the peanut butter ones for me they are too dry. I hope that helps!

    I was wondering if those brownies tasted any good! I think I'll pick up a box next time I am in the store - Thanks!
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I have some every day. Either in form of a protein bar, or in my shake/smoothie. I take one to work every day, and the base is usually cocoa. If that counts.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I eat chocolate still. i get mines via dark chocolate almonds, or sometimes those little pieces of milk chocolate or whatever have you. or you could go the nutella route if you like it. but it's not evil just portion control. i was horrible at portion control but make mistakes, over-eat, then cry, then get back to work :)
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I've created little "snack packs" with almonds, cashews, and plain M&Ms. I definitely don't eat them everyday, but they are assembled and available when I have extra calories to eat or when I'm craving something. They're already portioned out, and I just saved it as a "meal" in MFP.

    I do not prohibit anything, but I also do not indulge except on special occasions (and I happily indulge on special occasions). 10 or 12 M&Ms between some nice, healthy, almonds and other nuts hits the spot.
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    A definite YAY!, but in moderation and usually in the form of a sugar-free pudding or a protein bar. :)
  • ratellcm
    ratellcm Posts: 170 Member
    And the chocolate I buy is fairly cheap! It's a big Swiss chocolate bar, probably some sort of no-name but it was only $3.99 for about a pound so much cheaper than the brand name but still sooooo tasty.:love:

    And even though keeping a large amount of chocolate is maybe dangerous for some, I tell myself that I can have more than one piece if I really want but then I'll run out of chocolate sooner and won't get ANY on a day soon :noway: I can't even think about that, not worth it!
  • Toxictwist
    If I have calories to spare & the chocolate bar can fit, i will eat it! :)
    I haven't cut anything out of my daily eating. Just eat everything/anything in moderation/within your calorie intake & you'll be fine. Still have to treat yourself every now & then!