At a moment of weakness, i need support

I got a phone call today from a neuro surgeon my 1 year old was supposed to see on december 12th. They told me that they want to test her for Hydrocephalus so they can diagnose her, because thats what they believe she has. BUT they won't accept her medicaid. So they will not see her, and they are the only neurology place thats equiped to help thats anywhere near where i live. Along with all her other health problems she doesn't need this too.
Usually when i gwt upset i binge eat untill i feel like i'm going to be sick. I'm trying to hold back right now because i've made so much progress and i know i'll just feel worst.
If anyone has any words of wisdom or something i could really use it right about now


  • rjpittner
    rjpittner Posts: 70 Member
    Stay strong! I do the same thing when I am upset - stuff my face until I feel so sick I could throw up.
    Try taking a walk or even doing a good workout will release a lot of your stress and anxiety, plus your body will release endorphins and you will be feeling more chipper in no time :)
    If all else fails, treat yourself to some chocolate (just don't over do it). Chocolate helps promote the release of endorphins as well :)
  • i_belong_to_neil
    I do not have much, but I always just remember that God doesn't give you more crosses than you can handle. Sorry to get all religion-y, but I am tremendously sorry to read about your situation and sincerely wish there was more I could do. But, since I cannot, I will simply pray. Prayers for you to have the patience and strength you need to get thru this. Prayers for your daughter, too, to be a little fighter and to be well.
  • riannenrings
    riannenrings Posts: 142 Member
    im so sorry. your daughter needs you to stay strong right now because you need to find some other way to get her the help she needs. if your binge eating you cant do that. exercise, do something else RIGHT NOW chew gum anything!! i cant imagine how you feel, f* our health care system that wont help a little girl.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    you can get through this. Call medicaid and ask who is covered that you can take her too. Search online for providers and call everyone. Someone will see her.
    my nice had/has hydrocephalus and it can be a result of lots of different things, some serious, some not so bad. But Hydrocephalus in itself, is totally treatable, though i still understand why you are scared.

    Hang in there!
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    Take a breath and think about this. In order for you to take care of your daughter you MUST take care of yourself. Binge eating is not the way to do this. Have some water, meditate, or pray. You need to keep yourself centered in order to seek out further avenues of treatment or help for your wee one.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Life's many challenges can indeed push us into unhealthy coping methods.
    Just try to remember where you came and where you want to go, and keep the faith no matter what.

    Godspeed! You are in our thoughts...
  • DawnB86
    DawnB86 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time. I can't imagine how hard it must be to see your daughter go through that. Is travel an option for you? Maybe someone from the medicaid office could suggest another place that they would cover.

    You're right, binge eating won't help. I know it's hard but, try getting out for a walk or doing some meditation. It has helped me through some hard times.

    Best of luck.. My prayers are with you.
  • 08caseyk
    Thank you guys, It just hurts so bad to look at her and no shes in pain. I put on alot of weight when i found out she has p136 deletion syndrome. And after that it's just one thing after another. The doctor said there aren't many cases to where children with her condition grow to be older than early adulthood.
    I'm trying so hard to lose this weight so it wont hold me back to spending as much time with my kids as possible. And i dont want to end up eating myself to death. Its just so hard to wake up in the morning and do what i need to do.
    But in the end i try and think that i'm doing this for myself and my kids, that way they can have an active mom with them and we can have fun and enjoy each other
  • RedHatPatti
    RedHatPatti Posts: 78 Member
    (((((((HUgs))))))))) and prayers...Listen to serenityphoto...and everyone THERE IS somewhere that will help.. Trust in God and pick up that phone and get busy!! Stay strong.. Get some Celery and carrots and you WILL DO THIS!!!!
  • Alethea_OnAMission
    Sorry to hear about your daughter. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.

    When I get stressed, overwhelmed and upset about things I'm going through I try to burn and release that negative energy by working out. Of course food does bring comfort in some cases but you will always feel as is a load has been lifted if you take a good walk or jog.

    Try to stay positive.
