Finally introducing myself!

I've been using MFP since August 7ish, 2011 and I've found to be doing well on my own...but I would like to make friends and share ideas with other people. My weight was a constant 176, I think I could eat a cow and it would not go up...but it also never went down :s I'm a former out of control snacker, MFP has helped me realize where my short comings are with proper food choices- awesome!

I get along well with most people. I'm open minded, love to laugh, read, watch tv and be silly. I'm a soon to be 29 (28 until October) year old Mom to 2 girls and 2 big dogs.

I have patella malformation syndrome in my right knee, physio helped but it flares up if I don't use proper posture. In January of this year I broke my left leg, ugh ICE!!! I had bought Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred 3 days before. I was in a cast for 9 weeks and really lost a lot of mussel in that leg. The ligaments and tendons in my ankle were ruptured due to the break and are still recovering. Now I'm back on track with minimal pain daily, but really who doesn't live with some form of pain? I do 150 reverse crunches at least 5 times a week and use my elliptical when I have time. I want to start 30DS this weekend. :)

So, if you want to be my friend just send me a message letting me know who you are and what youre about!

Julie <3


  • Fmess5
    Fmess5 Posts: 8 Member
    The more support, the better.
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    Hello there & Welcome
  • virgiithinkican
    Hi there and welcome! I just joined yesterday myself! I think joining with others will be great for you, there's more accountability and more fun in sharing. Sorry to hear about your leg, but I'm glad you're back on track. So, I'm 33, four kids, still nursing my youngest. I'm pretty health conscious but there's a pretty thick layer of denial around me! Lol! I enjoy sweets and snacking and I don't plan my meals, so a lot of eating on the run, fast food, eating late at night, that kind of stuff.

    I like people, kids, mom's, reading, exercise, fashion, art and photography. I'm addicted to coffee and I can probably quit chocolate easier than coffee :)

    This is my first day tracking my meals on here and it seems pretty easy. Add me if you like. Good luck!
  • Fmess5
    Fmess5 Posts: 8 Member
    The more support the better! Welcome.
  • melcap
    melcap Posts: 148 Member
    Friends make this site a lot better!