Do people here actually READ threads?



  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    That's pretty much how most message boards run.

    I just post random crap wherever I feel fit....


    ^same here^ :P
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member

  • TheEricho5
    Only when work isn't looking....
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Turtles make pretty good pets. just make sure to wash your hands before and after handling them! :D
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I just get annoyed when i see a thread saying "is this true?", and people go to the time and make the effort to find some studies, post them, cite examples of anecdotal evidence to disprove it, then someone 20 minutes later posts "yes it is true herpdederp"...

    Did you not read the posts? Did you not see the evidence?

    Seriously, I'm sure some people are just here to spout their crap, and really don't want to learn anything that is actually true.
    Counting on consistent reasonableness from the online community is like counting on my dog to bring me my toothbrush when I ask. It might happen, but there will be a lot of waiting.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    One feature I always have on my forums that I run is the "new reply check." a lot of times what happens on this board is someone reads an entire thread, hits reply, types up a response, and then by the time they hit post, 20 more people have replied, and their post is outdated. There should be a feature, like I said, I have it on every forum I run, that when you hit post, if other replies have been posted, it should show them, giving you the opportunity to amend your post to make sense, rather than hitting post, looking back at the thread, and then scrambling to hit "edit" to try and make your post make sense.
    Simple Machines is my favorite.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It's because you're replacing muscle with fat. Make sure you don't eat any carbs after 3pm, and drink a protein shake immediately after working out. If you still get no results after a week, it's time to do a cleanse.

    Also: Cardio, Cardio, Cardio!!!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I think it is better to reply to the OP instead of retaliate to other arguments.
    I want to discuss the color of my kitchenware.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I read the original statement or question and respond. Why should I respond based on what others say?
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    I've noticed a growing trend on here lately.
    Read title, read OP, hit reply. Type crap without reading the rest of the thread that has actual links, studies, etc.
    It seems people just want to save their 2c, and not bother reading what the rest of the thread had to say first...

    I do read the first post or question someone has posted. Yes I hit reply I do not need to know others answers to form my answer.. If others need to agree or disagree with the majority that's fine but it's not the way I operate. I do not let others change my thoughts on a subject if I did I would not be giving a very honest answer. Hope this helps explain why some/others may do this. PS I only read your post....OPS I forgot one thing I rarely ever do is return for a follow up post of anyone's..Thanks..PD
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member
    I do depending on the size of the thread. Sometimes these threads get up to 15 pages or more. If the OP asked something that I feel like resonding to, then I will, but I may or may not go through the entire thread first.

    Besides, by the time I've read through that many pages, there could be another couple tacked on.
  • Secret_Agent_007

    WHERE? *looks both ways*
  • Secret_Agent_007
    I'll read most of the first page and then start to skip to comments made by people on my FL. Cause they're the greatest. Nuff said.
  • Pollart77
    Pollart77 Posts: 263 Member
    threads are very difficult to read... they're so tiny, I have a hard time getting them through the eye of a needle, let alone trying to read them

  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    I love you, red Solo cup... :drinker:

    Proceed to party....
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I love you, red Solo cup... :drinker:

    Proceed to party....
  • chele76
    chele76 Posts: 28 Member
    Veteran players are returning to the game to wait out the arrival of patch 4.3. Elsewhere, feet are dragging. Guilds are disbanding. Former 25-man raid teams are splintering into 10s. And Spin the Dragon is receiving far more applications than usual.

    We've been fielding a lot of questions: is your guild application serious? Why are you asking me about this? Do you really expect me to answer these? What if I don't like 3-D dolphins?

    Our guild application is as serious as something that's asking you to please write a story about two pokemon fighting can be, and we keep it that way because it works. The way you answer social questions tells us a little bit about you (and gives you a pretty good idea of who we are, too). But just in case you'd like to know more: Spin the Dragon is a Horde guild on the US-Sentinels (RP) server. We've been here for two years, but our officer corp (and some of our raiders) go back much further. At any given time of day our Vent server's hosting someone playing TF2, EverQuest or Minecraft. The rest of us are on Facebook at work asking for help growing imaginary strawberries or something.

    While raiding is our primary focus, you don't have to raid if you don't want to. If you are apping to raid, we're more interested in your personality than your experience. If you're a Decent Dude (or Lady) with demonstrated knowledge of your class -- or a willingness to learn and improve -- we're interested in hearing from you.

    If you don't have the best gear or the most experience, that's fine. We're willing to help gear up the right people for our progression raiding. Our raid leaders will often rotate raiders based on the amount of accepted invitations and what specialized classes may be needed for a particular fight, or previous raiding experience/seniority. Additionally, we do hold some basic expectations of our raiders in order to participate:

    - A computer capable of handing twenty-five man raiding with minimal add-ons (DBM, Omen, etc.) and Ventrilo without serious lag.
    - A reliable, consistent internet connection.
    - Arriving to the raid on time and with knowledge of the raid, if available.
    - Knowing your role, class, and spec and remaining up-to-date on each.
    - Understanding and accepting that you may be rotated out (or in) to a raid for certain class roles.
    - The ability to listen and react.

    We generally run our raids two to three nights a week anywhere from 9PM to 12AM (EST). Beyond that, we also run the weekly up to twice a week, and host arena teams which we highly encourage our raiders to participate in. If there are any old content raids or other events that our guild members want to run, we encourage them to get together and fill any empty calendar days. Here's a rough outline of our schedule by week:

    Sunday: Progression Raiding
    Monday: Progression Raiding
    Tuesday: Open/PvP
    Wednesday: Guild Achievements/TRANSMOG BONANZA (9PM - 11PM EST)
    Thursday: Open/PvP
    Friday: Open/PvP
    Saturday: Open/PVP

    Loot disbursement is done by a Ni Karma system; a great explanation of NKS can be found here: Anyone who negatively takes advantage of the system or otherwise acts in poor conduct will be dealt with accordingly by our guild officers. All of our active raiders are given access to gold for repairs, flasks, food, and help with any materials or enchantments you need to get the best out of your gear.

    1 DPS, ranged preferred (a skilled hunter would be dandy), but we're willing to work around things for a solid performer.

    Apply at Any questions can be sent to Heed in-game, or if you prefer email, Players interested in joining Spin as a non-raider can still fill out the application or contact Heed for more info.
    [Spin the dragon? wtf? What a horrible name for a guild. And adult men play porting this guild tag, oh boy....]
    [Oh, WTF, they use NKS!!! Whatever you do, don't apply to this guild, they don't use DKP FFS!]

    I usually read through them to get a sense of what the topic really is, but I don't read the cut and pasted crap that goes on forever like above.

    Edit: I didn't mean to say that it's not relevant or to put down this person's reference. I was just trying to say that it's much more info than I want to collate. If I want to research something, I will. I was just referring to the volume. Didn't mean to put down whoever I copied that article from.

    Or how about when people complain about long articles, don't read them and miss on the fact that the "long article" is spam and should be reported?

  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I just get annoyed when i see a thread saying "is this true?", and people go to the time and make the effort to find some studies, post them, cite examples of anecdotal evidence to disprove it, then someone 20 minutes later posts "yes it is true herpdederp"...

    Did you not read the posts? Did you not see the evidence?

    Seriously, I'm sure some people are just here to spout their crap, and really don't want to learn anything that is actually true.
    Counting on consistent reasonableness from the online community is like counting on my dog to bring me my toothbrush when I ask. It might happen, but there will be a lot of waiting.

    I just want to know why you have your dog carrying your toothbrush...even if he does bring it, do you still want it?