The BIG question...



  • If I have calories to spare & the chocolate bar can fit, i will eat it! :)
    I haven't cut anything out of my daily eating. Just eat everything/anything in moderation/within your calorie intake & you'll be fine. Still have to treat yourself every now & then!
  • One chocolate substitute I do is unsweetened coco powder, vanilla flavoring, splenda packet and a 1/2 cup to 1 cup cottage cheese...

    Or sugar free chocolate pudding... (only 60 calories)

    Or a sugar free fudgesicle.

    Don't deny yourself, find suitable substitutes that will ease your craving. If you feel deprived you are more likely to fail!
  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    Every day!

  • I've created little "snack packs" with almonds, cashews, and plain M&Ms. I definitely don't eat them everyday, but they are assembled and available when I have extra calories to eat or when I'm craving something. They're already portioned out, and I just saved it as a "meal" in MFP.

    I do not prohibit anything, but I also do not indulge except on special occasions (and I happily indulge on special occasions). 10 or 12 M&Ms between some nice, healthy, almonds and other nuts hits the spot.

    I actually think this is such a good idea. Can I steal? I can just stick them in my bag and take them with me then. Plus if they're pre-portioned then theres no risk of having too much. :D
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I use Snackwells or Skinny Cow products to get my chocolate fix. The calories range from 100-150, so I know what I'm getting. It really helps me not to feel deprived.
  • What on earth is a fudgsicle?!?!?! Sounds amazing....

    (I'm from UK...)
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    If I want something I make sure I log it. If I want it and I don't have the calories I workout to make sure I can have it. If I deny myself I won't stick with it.
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    One chocolate substitute I do is unsweetened coco powder, vanilla flavoring, splenda packet and a 1/2 cup to 1 cup cottage cheese...

    Try it with ricotta cheese. Much smoother texture.
  • Becca619
    Becca619 Posts: 91 Member
    I have cut nothing from my diet, I just limit how much I have - one potion or less usually, but still eat whatever I want and track it all
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    What on earth is a fudgsicle?!?!?! Sounds amazing....

    (I'm from UK...)

    You might not have them there...they're frozen chocolate popcicles- kind of like frozen chocolate pudding on a stick. They're really good - I eat at least one every day in the summer.

    Dark chocolate is my go to as well and I eat it just about every day. We have a snack bar here at the office and thankfully they stock those Hershey's mini dark chocolate bars. A couple of those (only 25 cents) and I'm good. They also occassionally have the Hershey's dark chocolate nuggets with almonds - mmmmmm!
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I love chocolate! I can't have it in the house or I'd probably eat the whole thing. I do have some most days. I either go to 7-Eleven and get a little mini snickers or the mini reeses cups, (I'm sure the guys who work there think I'm weird). Or when I'm at work, I go to the little 25 cent vending machine in the lobby and get a handful of M&M's (and I only allow myself once). These things let me have a little chocolate without going overboard. It is more expensive this way but worth it for me.
  • I use Emerald Chocolate Almonds in the 100 calorie pack. They are quite tasty and help with the cholate fix. I also get the Emerald Cinamon Roast and they are good too. I didn't like Almonds until I found these. If you do chocolate then try the dark which has less sugar and is better for you.
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    I allow it, I have it almost..ALMOST everyday - I keep Hershey's kisses and I'll allow myself only one or dark chocolate.
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    I don't allow myself to have it on a regular basis (maybe once a month). But I'm also a person who would sit down and eat a family sized bag of Peanut Butter M&Ms in one sitting... and then a big bag of chips, and then a bag of candy. For me, it sets off binges and that's much worse than denying myself something.

    Yesterday I actually had a huge *talk* with myself in the grocery store. My FAVOURITE cookies were on sale... like 1/2 price. I looked at the nutritional info and it's like 170 cals for 2 cookies (and they aren't all that big). But I know myself, and knew I couldn't buy it and not eat at least 10-15 cookies... I still can't stop. I'm sure I looked like a crazy woman standing there holding a bag of cookies with a look of longing on my face and grumbling to myself... oh well...

    When I do have a treat, I can only buy a single serving package or else I go overboard. And I can only have a treat near the end of the day... otherwise I just crave more... at least at the end of the day I can just go to bed and ignore the additional cravings. I can't keep 'extras' in the house.

    I hope that one day I can have a bag of cookies in the house and have it last more than 2 days... lol... one day!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I do allow it in; but you can do things like no sugar added fudgesicle bar, only 40calories and alot of fiber so it actually fills you up when you are eating it as a snack. Or 20calorie nestle fat free hot chocolate (per packet), and those types of things that are "good" for you will get rid of a chocolate craving instead of having a candy bar. oh, and hunts sugar free chocolate pudding 70calories.

    i also bought a bag of hersheys bliss dark chocolate square and allow myself 1square at a time which is only 33calories; but i dont ahve one everyday or anything, maybe one every couple of weeks or so. one bag lasted me 3months or so.

    If its something you know u wont beable to resist then dont have it around. for me, its fudge..i grew up with it, and normally eat it non-stop all holiday season for the past 15+years... but this year i wasnt going to make any; except my boyfriends mom made some, and i had 5 pieces in 2 days (at 150calories per piece); and then i was soo thankful it was gone and then my boyfriend made more GRRR so ive had a few more pieces in the last couple days... and now they are talking about making white chocolate fudge. Im alone at their house today and i know that the regular fudge is sitting right inside the fridge and im trying to convince myself i dont want it. but i can honestly say, 5minutes havent went by in the last 3hours where i havent thought about that fudge. i shouldnt be around it, but im stuck with it.. if your addicted to a certain type of chocolate, dont go for that, find an alternative that u wont overindulge on.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I don't allow myself to eat it very often, but that's only because when I have one bite I can't stop eating it for the rest of the day. I'm the same way with most sweets. So if I'm going to have them, I wait until a special occasion, and I try to wait until evening so I'm not chowing down on junk all day long.
  • Fiber One 90 Calorie Chocolate-Chocolate Chip Brownies.

  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    YES! I normally have a little treat each day, and most of the time it's chocolate! I do a Weight Watchers, Skinny Cow, or Smart Ones dessert each night, and once a week get frozen yogurt or a chocolate bar. My fav is Hershey's dark choc. with almonds. :)
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member
    I won't deny myself anything! Everything in moderation :)

    This ^^^^

    I am a sweets girl -- and I won't give them up!!!! As long as it's within my calorie goal -- I'll have it when I want it!!! :)
  • My new "guilty pleasure" doesn't make me feel guilty at all!
    You don't have to be a raw foodie or vegan/vegetarian to enjoy this little tarts. These seriously curb my chocolate cravings. They also have plain chocolate, and meyer lemon and a couple others as well. They are super rich so I can cut it in thirds (3 servings per tart- 1oz servings) and depending on the tart the calories are 110-130 per serving. It's kind of like a fudge/cheesecake texture, that is just pure chocolate-y goodness.

    My husband found these at our local Whole Foods and they are actually cheaper there than on Hail Merry's website.

    Definitely have chocolate, just work it into your daily calories, and be moderate. Giving up everything you love does not work long term. Have your choc. and enjoy it! :wink: