Serious Motivation Needed

ambuney83 Posts: 47
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all. I need some seriouus workout motivation. The dieting part I can usually control, but when I get home from work, all I want to do is sit on the couch and relax with my husband and puppy. During the day I have every intention of working out when I get home and then night after night it doesn't happen. Plus it is FREEZING outside so I have to bundle up just to go to the gym. I am not a morning person so I know I will not get up at 5:00 a.m. to work out. But, the gym is less than five minutes from my house and I don't have children to tend to in the evening. I do have school two nights a week and homework, etc., but I KNOW I can be getting to the gym at least four days a week. I maybe go once a week now and this is not cutting it.

What does everyone do to motivate themselves? I know it takes a few weeks to make it a habit but I really need to get moving. I know that if I continue to be lazy I will never reach my goals. So what is my problem? HELP!!!


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I plan it on the calender and then all day I know that I have to go. It isn't an option. It is what it is. Just like getting up and going to work.
  • Clynch171
    Clynch171 Posts: 12 Member
    I got rid of my cable. Some nights it really helps knowing that I can watch my primetime tv while on the treadmill. It also helps distract me from how much I hate running :).
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    can you go straight from work to the gym? Then you can go home and relax on your couch with your hubby and your puppy after a good workout!
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    honestly, you have to Just Do It. Commit to doing it 4 times a week for 2 weeks. No matter. What. After that, you will start to be in a routine and you might want to a bit more. Its hard, but you have to just make it happen if you really want it.
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    I posted a picture of what I want to look like again right on my fridge. Then every bathroom in the house has little sayings like "If you have time to facebook, you have time to work out!"
    "You must, you must, you must decrease that butt!"

    And some others....sounds silly but it helps me get up and go!
  • eatlift
    eatlift Posts: 113
    Buy a 30 dollar container of Jack3d and take it when you get home. Read the label though!
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    Since you enjoye hanging out with your husband in the evenings, is there any way he can go with you to the gym? Then you still get to spend time with him, and also get the work out in.
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    Many nights I get up early enough to throw a healthy dinner into the crock pot, then go to the gym straight from work so there's no temptation to get glued to the sofa beforehand. By the time I come home, dinner is ready and I can relax with my man and my cats while watching a movie. I also have no cable, so that we never risk getting sucked into watching several hours of TV. When the movie is over, we turn it off.
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    If I were you, I would say every Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday, OR EVEN START WITH ONE DAY a week and bring your gym clothes to work--go straight to the gym. If there are classes at the gym, sign up for one that coincides with your after-work schedule.

    I just signed up for wednesday/friday morning class and it has been the only way to get me out of the house!

    Pick 2 days and treat them like dentist appointments-clothes in the car, granola bar with water, straight to gym, shower after go home!

    If you leave it up in the air, you won't do it.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I have the same problem. Once I'm home, I'm home....I started bringing my gym clothes to work and going straight there. If I "go home to change first," I don't end up leaving and get so mad at myself! I'd suggest just making it the last thing you do before you get to go home. Trust me, couch time feels so much better after a workout !!
  • can you go straight from work to the gym? Then you can go home and relax on your couch with your hubby and your puppy after a good workout!

    THIS. Go to the gym straight from work. No bundling up again required...
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Pack a gym bag. Go right from work to the gym. I usually have a snack sometime in the afternoon so I'm not ravenous by the time I get home.

  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Agree with the people who say pack the gym bag. I do this too, othewise I will NOT make it to the gym. No excuses either, I have to lug it on the subway, the bus, etc. So it's not the most convenient method but at least it ensures that I go, because I figure I don't want all that hassle to go to waste!!
  • michellebelle1
    michellebelle1 Posts: 34 Member
    Agreed. Definitely go straight to the gym. It helps me get to the gym in the morning before work if I immediately put on my workout clothes and have my bag packed the night before. What if you changed into your gym clothes at work? More accountability that way, too!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Pack your gym bag and go straight to the gym - no stopping off at home first..... In the end of the day you will find the motivation if you want it bad enough!!

    Find what motivates you - an old fat photo, and dress you want to get into - and look at that if you start having second thoughts...
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    I workout first thing in the morning at home so there are no distractions and its done so nothing gets in my way.

    2 Things that made a huge difference for me :

    1 - find something you like to do. This may mean trying different things but don't stop til you find it. Everyone has a workout they love and can go to anytime they are not as motivated. Works for me everytime.

    2 - But also switch it up every so often. I do get bored with doing the same thing so change it up. Whenever I start a new program I am excited and will stick with it. But once I get bored with it I always have my favorite workout to go to!
  • Also take your husband and the doggie for long walks. Good for doggie, good for husband, good for you!
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    Once you start going, it will become habit. That is what happened to me...Now if I don't go on my scheduled nights I am a mad woman....I get really stressed and fidgety, almost to the point where my husband tells me to go....
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