Sizzlin Summer Slimdown 05.04.09

:flowerforyou: Good morning to all and happy Monday!!! :flowerforyou:

Time for me to stop being so on and off with my eating and exercise...:angry: I have no to blame but myself and the poor choices I have made, and I know what needs to be done to provide positive results.

So, on this new day I hope everyone will honestly and realistically look at where your eating and exercise choices/habits are at and move forward!!!

:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:


  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    :flowerforyou: Good morning to all and happy Monday!!! :flowerforyou:

    Time for me to stop being so on and off with my eating and exercise...:angry: I have no to blame but myself and the poor choices I have made, and I know what needs to be done to provide positive results.

    So, on this new day I hope everyone will honestly and realistically look at where your eating and exercise choices/habits are at and move forward!!!

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just checking in before I rush out the door to work- I'm doing good! Down 6.4 lbs. and 16 exercise days! Got to get out the door though . . . Mary
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I went over on calories on Friday and Sunday - that's what happens when I don't focus on what I've eaten...just reminds me why I am on this site and how much it helps me. No worries -back to it today. Will be at the gym for a great workout this evening.

    I went to the gym at our hotel saturday and used elliptical for 45 minutes then swam in the pool for about 15 and then we went bowling - great day for exercise - that's why I didn't go over....didn't get time on fri or sun - my son was playing in a baseball tournamnt and those days it was raining so I couldn't walk - but oh well - here's to a week of smart choices for us all - remember we are the ones who are making the choices that affect us!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Did great an my cals this weekend and got it two workout, but I still can not break this stupid palteau. I know I need better food choices but that is the hard part for me.No worries just need to work harder. I got two new workout dvd;s to hopefully mix things up.
    I know I will not make this goal but I will stick with it.

    Glad to hear yall had a great weekend.:drinker:
  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    Do not get down on yourself....I am going through the exact same thing...I was having the absolute worse PMS of my life and I could not see the point of doing anything whatsoever. I went to the gym, but my 1000 calories I normally burn turned into 250 at best.

    Thank God it only lasted a week. The up side is that I did not gain anything (except for the 8 pounds of water weight at the beginning of my cycle). I ran my usual 1000 calories today and I'm feeling so much better.

    Let's make a commitment to each other to get back on the horse. What do you say? We can do this!
  • Jrgal
    Jrgal Posts: 46
    I am down another 2 lbs this week. Yeah. I didn't do the best this weekend but it really wasn't bad either. I stayed within my calories, just not the best food choices.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    As embarassed as I am to say this, I totaly gave up the last 2 weeks. I ate out every single day last week, and am up 2.5 lbs. I am really going to try to get back on track this week. I only have 12 days until my cruise, and I am really going to push to hit the gym 10 of the 12 days. If I do, I am going to let myself spurge and get a pedicure before the trip.

    I am so happy for all you ladies. Although you have bumps in the road, you are staying on track, and it seems you are droping the lbs! GREAT give me inspiration.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    You are right firewalker we can do this. BUt sometimes I just need a reminder that it takes time to take off weight. You ladies have been a great source of strenght for me. Knowing that I am not the only one going through this gives me hope that I can do it . The words fo encouragment you ladies give me dopes help

    Thank you all :flowerforyou:
  • Aeilm
    Aeilm Posts: 92
    Just checking in...have 2 sick babies onm my hands. :(

    I am down 2 more lbs this week. Did not exercise at all over the past 4 days!! So my goal this week is exercise everyday!

    Current weight 181!! Almost out of these 180's for forever!!! 3 more lbs to meet my goal for this challenge yay!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    today will be day 13 of 30 - I must have miscounted I thought I was already there - oh well - will work hard this month to get to the 30 days!!!
  • ness13hill
    ness13hill Posts: 114
    Hey guys,

    Weekend was ok. Went over my calories, but got some back my exercising. We'll see what this week brings. I have two HUGE tests and long hours at work this week. Have a great Monday guys. i didn't weight this morning because i was rushing out the door. I will tomorrow.
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    Great job everyone on keeping to motivation up- you all are my inspiration!!

    I'm down another lb this week! back down to 157, which has been my lowest since high school probably! woo hoo :bigsmile:

    I too slacked on exercise last week...only did 4 days. I'm at 14/30 days of exercise so far- gotta buck up!

    of course, all that packing and movng i'll be doing this weekend can count as exercise too, right? :laugh: :laugh:
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Confession time: I'VE BEEN A TOTAL SLACKER!! I haven't really been watching what I eat, I make excuses to not go to the gym, blah blah blah. :angry: I'm the only person standing in my way right now, can someone please help me get away from hindering myself?! :embarassed: K-thanks!

    Alright, so I've gotten in 0 days of exercise since Wednesday. :grumble: On a weird note - I think I hurt myself again somehow. My BELLY BUTTON has been hurting. Not really sure why or what it could be, but it's very odd. (I'm thinking hernia? Infection? - no it's not pierced - anyone had pains in and around their belly button before - who was not pregnant and not affiliated with child birth or surgery?) I'm scared of hurting myself at the gym because I like to push it hard when I do work out, so I think I'll return to strictly cardio for now, as to not lift/strain anything.

    I've been eating out a lot and simply just eating CRAP. I'm heading to the store as soon as I get off work, then gonna clean up my messy kitchen, and prepare things for the week. GOTTA GET BACK ON TRACK! Funny how easy it is to make excuses for myself.

    So, here's my motivation: My friend's wedding is on June 6th - 4 weeks from Friday. The dress alterations fitting is this Friday!
    Also, I've been researching graduate schools and programs - some are requiring pre-screen DVDs. That means not only will they HEAR me sing - but they'll see me...gotta get in shape for new headshots and for those auditions.

    Thanks for all of your continued support ladies. You're all doing wonderfully!! :flowerforyou: