Question for runners?



  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    oh also, don't be intimidated about running outside and having to take a walking break.
    I have had to do that a few times with weather conditions.
    I know you said you want to try to run non-stop, but if you're body needs you to stop, take a walking break :):)
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I run outside where at all possible. I prefer the constantly moving scenery and changing weather (yup even the -20\-30 somethin run's that come with winter!)

    Treadmills are very good in the sense that they get you moving and help many people squeeze in a workout. They do not however force you to control your pace as you are being driven along on a belt. Your pace is controlled by the machine. You are also on a reasonably level and soft surface which while easier on the joints also reduces the muscle response to terrain. I don't know anybody who has ever gotten lost when running on a treadmill.

    Running outside requires you to work your own pace and adjust your footing according to the terrain. For instance, Winter has arrived here and I am now getting a fairly good workout in my hips and thighs because I need to control my footing more and adjust to the icy and harder terrain. I've always felt a need to "push off" more while running and feel for me it is a better workout. I love the feel of the wind, rain or snow on my face and the crisp air filling my lungs. My definition of an ideal run is thru a torrential downpour with me alone in my thoughts. I guess you could say I'm a little hardcore in my running.
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    i prefer to run outside, but i do use the TM during my lunchtime @ work or when the weather is bad, mainly ice or heavy rain. Other than that im outside running. I enjoy the outdoors and ive ran in temps below 30 degrees and i really love it when it snows. and to me its warmer when its snowing vs. no snow!
  • Sarabeth5
    Sarabeth5 Posts: 134 Member
    I am a single mom of an 8 and 5 year old. I love having a treadmill but Imuch prefer to run outside. So I get outside whn I can but ue the treadmill whn I can't. I never have an excuse not to get my run on. The best of both worlds :)
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I do both. I'm dealing with a running injury and the doc said it's ok to run on the treadmill (more bounce, less impact on the joints). I can't do much more than 4-5 miiles on a treadmill because it's too boring (unless there's a movie or a game on). I used my treadmill all summer while my son was napping it was great. I also run on the TM this time of year because it gets dark so early and I really don't want to be running the streets of Atlanta after dark by myself.

    I saw that someone mentioned a jogging stroller. It is a good investment but those things are heavy and hard to deal with if you are a new runner. I would stay with the TM until you get comfortable with running and then move outside.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I actually prefer the treadmill. Running outside every now and then is nice, but for me, it's harder on my shins and it often makes my allergies act up badly. Also, if I had to do it outside, I'd be more likely to make excuses not to. My treadmill is right there and weather is never an issue so there's just no excuse I can come up with to not do it.

    I agree with everyone else about the incline. I ran my first 5k last month and I did it a lot faster than I ever ran 5k on the treadmill and apparently the reason for that was because I always kept my treadmill at an incline of at least 2.5. Had to or it would shut off on me.
  • rikorb
    rikorb Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies :)
    I have started using the treadmill and loving it. I have it set up in front of the tv upstairs (where kids cant go) and am using it once kids have gone to bed. I feel like I am really pushing myself.
    I'm going to use the treadmill (and do other workouts when I can) when I have the kids and then walk/run outside when the kids are at their dads.

    I do have a double stroller and I do go for walks but it's getting too hard and stressful coz my 3yr old just wants to get out or he tries to climb out. That's why I wanted something where if I wanted I could just go for a walk or run to push myself more.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I love running outside. It's my favorite and I've never used a treadmill until a few weeks ago. I'm wanting to really train through winter for a March race, and I want to PR it. So in order to get interval work in, I've jumped onto a treadmill. I'm actually enjoying it more than I thought I would - especially since it was only 14 this AM.
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    Outdoors only, and almost every single day. Rain or shine, snow or heat, nothing but injury stops me from getting out there, even if it's -30 degrees.

    There really is no better feeling than the fresh air in your lungs & the life all around you as you pound away the miles. Even just the thought of setting foot on a treadmill makes me shudder. :)
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Both! :) Depends on time of day, weather, etc.
  • aweightymatter
    I do both :) I'm training for a half-marathon that's coming up and I would say I've done 75% of my training on a treadmill. I live in Florida and have a weird schedule so most of my free time to do long runs has been in the middle of the day when it's just TOO hot to run outside.

    I still do my longest training runs outdoors though and don't have a problem with them. I do, however, recommend setting the treadmill at a 1% incline or above to compensate for the "cheat" you get by the belt pulling you forward slightly.

    If anything I think the treadmill was great in the beginning for getting me to learn how to pace myself. I think sometimes if you're starting out running you can go too fast, too soon and burn out before you get in your desired distance.

    Another benefit of treadmill running: I've caught up on all my shows thanks to Netflix :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Running on the treadmill is easier than running outside. You can compensate by adding a small incline (1-2%) or running faster. Most people prefer to run outdoors in the fresh air. Trail running is my favorite, but on balance I think most of my miles by far have been on the treadmill. (Not that I run THAT much really... It's usually short HIIT sessions)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i run outside. love the change of scenery, i love the hills, the "randomness" of the routes i take. i run with a camelbak and it has my phone in it so i can keep track of how far i run, race, etc. i wear an HRM, but i don't look at the watch.

    i run on the treadmill only for my warm ups before i lift. if it gets really cold, i may have no choice but to run inside, but not looking forward to it.
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    I'm new to running (currently on week 6 of C25K) and so far it's all on the treadmill. I might look to take it outside in the spring but I want to build up some speed and stamina first.
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Run a little inside when it is cold. Don't like it much, Much prefer running outside... changing scenery.
  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    I do both and I think...
    Running gives you more muscle tone and a treadmill gives you more cardio. Running outside you use more muscle since you're actually propelling yourself forward. I feel like I get more cardio on a treadmill since I'm maintaining a constant speed. I think either way you're getting a good workout and having the ability to do both will keep you interested longer and wipe out any excuses.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I prefer to run outside but if it is cold or dark I'll hit the treadmills. Or if I am doing speedwork (i.e. tempo or intervals) I'll sometimes use the treadmill to track my stats more accurately. But I always put it on "Random" so the incline is constantly changing :) Good luck with your running :)
  • Canbfit4life
    Prefer outside,but I started on treadmill,love outdoor running
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member
    I do both. I use the treadmill for fartlek (speed) training and for a circuit. I will keep the treadmill running and for 40 - 60 mins do 1 minute at 16km/hr and one minute of a strength exercise such as push ups, dips, crunches, squats, lunges etc. Great way to burn those calories off and to fend off the boredom.

    If I do have to do 60 mins of running on the treadmill I will do it in 20 minute blocks. I'll do a 20 minute hill program, 20 minute random program and 20 minute flat program immediately after one another. That way I do not have to watch 60 minutes tick down on the treadmill. In my head I am only doing 20 minutes - amazing how we can trick ourselves!

  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I run outside and love it. I could never use a treadmill as my only source for running but I do sometimes wish I had access to one when it's freeeezing cold outside. Oh well.. I'll keep toughing out the cold weather!