


  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    Just wondering, do you guys wear shoes for Turbo Fire? I'm trying to figure what kind of shoes I need to get.

    I don't wear shoes or socks when doing TF. I find I can't pivot on carpet with shoes and my knee and feet hurt when I wear shoes, even after being "correctly fitted".

    I don't wear shoes or socks either. When I wear shoes, I tend to come down on my foot wrong when I land from jumps and roll my ankle. I also have cramps in my feet when I wear them for Turbo Jam & Turbo Fire and I was also correctly fitted.

    I've tried I don't know how many different types of shoes but they my feet kill when I use them with TurboFire or TurboJam, so I go barefoot. Good to know I'm not the only person with this problem.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I can proudly say I have completed the first 12 weeks of Turbo Fire. I have lost 25 lbs and 11 inches so far doing TF.
  • I can proudly say I have completed the first 12 weeks of Turbo Fire. I have lost 25 lbs and 11 inches so far doing TF.

    Thats awesome!! Way to go!!!
  • Cbyas
    Cbyas Posts: 9 Member
    I am so excited I started Turbofire this morning. I plan to do the pre schedule, reg. calendar, advanced calendar. Then I will follow it with Turbofire/cha lean hybrid. I know I just planned out my next year of exercise, but I am motivated. Today was day three Tone 30. I don't want to change my weight, but I do want to have a very flat stomach. And my attempts at going to the gym and using work out dvds did not cut it. I am excited to have a structured program with lost of variety.

    I second a question posted earlier, I think I need some decent sneakers. What kind should I invest in, running sneakers?
  • Cbyas
    Cbyas Posts: 9 Member
    Congrats everyone we finished our first week of Turbo Fire!
  • cutelashawn
    cutelashawn Posts: 182
    TF rocks....I can do the workouts without making any mistakes now, it took me awhile but now I can Rock It! good Luck to u!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    ok I'm going down stair right now to start day one. Scared I soooo have two left feet Watched the new to class yesterday what a great idea. ok off i go, think I'll try the no shoes seems so wrong but sounds like the right thing to do.
  • devbabexo
    devbabexo Posts: 16
    I did day one today of the regular schedule and I have to admit I liked it a whole lot more than I ever thought I would. :) I did wear sneakers but I noticed that it was really hard to pivot on the carpet so maybe I'll try not wearing shoes tomorrow.
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I'm finishing my last week of the 90 day program this week. Can't wait to take pictures to see my out come.
  • devbabexo
    devbabexo Posts: 16
    I'm finishing my last week of the 90 day program this week. Can't wait to take pictures to see my out come.
    I can't wait to see your outcome!
  • Dankygetsfit
    Dankygetsfit Posts: 3 Member
    This is day one for me on Turbo Fire. People how do we log it in my fitnesspal as excercise? I feel great tho!!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Would you guys recommend Turbo Fire to someone who hasn't done Turbo Jam? I'm not very coordinated but I manage to keep up with my Zumba class, I'm considering getting TF for days when I have to work out at home.

    I started Turbo Fire and never did Turbo Jam.It was hard at first to keep up,but about a week into it I had gotten the hang of things.I am on my 2nd round and am STILL LOVING every min.of it!! On my "OFF"days I find myself still doing a Class,I can't get enough!! The music is GREAT and time goes by so fast,and at the end you are DRIPPING with sweat! It is well worth the money!!
  • Cbyas
    Cbyas Posts: 9 Member
    Today is the first day of week 7 of the prep schedule for me and my mom. (Yes my 50+ yr old mother joined me, I'm so happy for her) On wed is our first Hit class, I cant wait.
  • bellajr21
    bellajr21 Posts: 10 Member
    I am on day 4 of the prep schedule. Excited because I got on the scale from Monday to this morning and I had already lost 5lbs ...My goal is 2-3 a week. I have a long journey to go ... GO TURBOFIRE!
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    Just did the first day and can't believe how much I enjoyed it! I was having trouble pivoting in the my running shoes, so I think I'll try it without the shoes next time (working out on a rubber mat).
  • How do you enter your strength training workouts like tone, sculpt or tone on your myfitnesspal account? Any recomendations/.
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