Runs with dogs!!!



  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    How far do you typically run?

    1-2 miles. we sprint down the beach together. i can officially out run my dogs for short periods of time.

    What's the farthest you've run with them?

    4 miles (my dogs are fattys)

    What breed(s)?
    jack russle mix, and beagle mix

    Leach/ Unleashed?
    unleashed! they are well trained.

    yup. live in hawaii. weather is the same all year round.
  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    oh I forgot to add ..
    Diamond is a sheppard boxer mix and shes always on a leash (again .. vicious)
    She stays on my left while we run and when I walk her she crosses in front of me constantly! annoying
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    I tried running with my Fila once. Got about a mile in until he crossed in front and I stutter-stepped, turned an ankle and went down. I think I left him too much slack when I tied the leash to my belt. I might try it again sometime but I'm hesitant.
  • jnanof
    jnanof Posts: 52 Member
    I can't run with my dog. Its too much to watch him out pace me so easily when I am huffing and puffing with a 85%+ max heart rate and see him carrying a ball in his mouth the whole time!
    He is a tall Belgian shepherd mix and the best athlete dog I have every had. I have to run him on my mini bike and he still walks away from me at 20+ MPH!
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    I tried running with my Fila once. Got about a mile in until he crossed in front and I stutter-stepped, turned an ankle and went down. I think I left him too much slack when I tied the leash to my belt. I might try it again sometime but I'm hesitant.

    A Fila is a BIG dog to run with!
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    I tried running with my Fila once. Got about a mile in until he crossed in front and I stutter-stepped, turned an ankle and went down. I think I left him too much slack when I tied the leash to my belt. I might try it again sometime but I'm hesitant.

    A Fila is a BIG dog to run with!

    He is big, but he's like lightning. Big, goofy lightning that gets distracted by all the things he thinks he needs to protect me from.
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    If someone already said this sorry for repeating the information, but someone on another post clued me into pooch to 5k....kinda a spinoff of the couch to 5k. I was worried running with my chihuahua that it was too much for him. Hes really really really high energy and and only dog so walking kinda just turned into running with him. I haven't gone out with him on c25k week 3 because of the leash hand thing so glad to know and read about a few other tips on rigging the leash to a belt type thing!!! I'll work on that this weekend!
  • Sarabeth5
    Sarabeth5 Posts: 134 Member
    I've just started running with my 9 year old JRT mix. We have worked up to 4 miles but I plan to keep working up to 13 miles as I"m trining for a half. She is always leashed and is only annoying when se pass another really friendly dog. She really wants to meet everyone. We have just started running and plan to continue through out the year. Great topic! :flowerforyou:
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member

    My recommendation is to get a pitbull =) they're so sweet and, like TurningStar said, no one messes with you when you have an intimidating dog with you!!

    I, too, have a pit mix (with what, we have no idea - she was a rescue) and both my husband and I run with her, about 2 miles each time. So she usually gets 3-4 runs in a week. She is totally tireless and bet she could do a lot more. I live in WA, so it's cold in the winter and the only thing I worry about is her paws.

    She's leashed, and I carry her leash in hand which can get annoying, but I don't have time to both run and take her for a walk, so she comes along! I run in the morning, when it's dark, and I truly feel safer with her (people get freaked out by pitties and tend to stay away, even though she is the biggest love and wouldnt hurt a fly :))

    You should definitely try it out, your dog will love you for it!!

    I tend to run in the morning
  • I have a three and a half year old pit bull, and I have run with her since she was little. We run or bike, and she can go quite a few miles. On a typical day we run between 3.5 to 5 miles. We go early in the morning in the summer, and we don't run as far because of the heat (I live in Florida). We use a leash because I live in the city, and she doesn't listen all that well sometimes! I love running with her, and I find that on days when I am tired she is very motivating.

    Not all dogs like to run, though. While my pit loves it, my boxer-lab mix hates it. She will try to lay down as soon as we start running.

    If you're thinking about taking your dog running, I would highly recommend it. Just give it some time so your buddy can get used to it, and I bet you'll both love it.
  • My dog is a rescued 2 year old lab-mix (Pharoh hound we think). I bike, not run, at a park near our house and we will ride anywhere from 6-10 miles. 10 miles is probably my dogs limit. He is very well trained and I feel safer and more comfortable with him off leash (plus he loves chasing the rabbits into the bushes - not sure what he will do if he ever catches one!). We ride early in the morning when hardly anyone is out. Every once in awhile someone will cause a problem or we will see animal control and I will have to leash him. Like others have said, every dog is different, but please don't go off leash unless adequately trained and they will come immediately when called. If you want a dog that can run for long distances, I saw on Dogs 101 (might be good to check their website) that Rodesion Ridgebacks are very athletic dogs and are owned by people like Carl Lewis who run alot everyday. It is reported that they can run with a horse for up to 30 miles (maybe that was 30 minutes)...either way, I thought that was impressive. Hope any of this helps!
  • Yes! I have a 5 year old Doberman Pinscher... he is amazing. The longest we've gone together has been 9 miles (so far) and he usually joins me on 3 or 4 runs a week. On long runs (over 6 miles) I bring an extra water bottle along and stop at 6 or 7 miles to let him hydrate. We always use a leash as we primarily run city streets (and our city has a leash law); I tie him to my waist with a safety release knot to keep from holding anything. We live in the desert southwest so the climate can be extreme... but we DO run year round: we just make minor adjustments each season. In the summer- we run at night so the pavement is not hot and in the winter he wears a sweater for the chilly mornings.

    I'll also note that I run him with a choke chain. He is perfectly leash trained- but with his long sleek neck, any collar has to be very snug to keep from sliding over his head. I feel that a tight collar would be uncomfortable for him while running- so he only wears a choke when we hit the roads (it stays loose the whole time- but will NOT slip from his head if it comes down to it!)

    I would highly recommend running with your fur-babies... Talk about good motivation!

    If anyone is looking for dog recommendations... feel free to ask me about Dobes. I seriously have nothing bad to say about this dog (except that he squishes me when he tries to sit in my lap and he makes me look bad at running- haha).
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    2 miles almost every day with my girl boxer, on leash, year round as long as it isn't above 95 or below 10. Super cold mornings she wears a sweater. Super hot days we wait until sidewalks cool. Biggest problem is her sudden stops. She has ADD!

    About 30 feet with my boy boxer. He has to stop and pee on every single mail box. Aaaarrrggh! So he just gets walks.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member

    Runs with dogs... Dances with Wolves...

    Anyway... I tried it once with our year-old toy poodle and it was a disaster.
  • I recently started C25K and have been taking both dogs with me on leash. One is a 7 year old lab, the other is a nine month old Poodle mix. They get a little crazy on the walking portions but once we break into a run they love it! They are great motivators as they want to keep going and going. I don't plan on taking them out in the summer months unless its a cool night or morning. My lil poodle man wears a sweater or a puff coat since I keep his coat short :)
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Yes! I have a 5 year old Doberman Pinscher... he is amazing. The longest we've gone together has been 9 miles (so far) and he usually joins me on 3 or 4 runs a week. On long runs (over 6 miles) I bring an extra water bottle along and stop at 6 or 7 miles to let him hydrate. We always use a leash as we primarily run city streets (and our city has a leash law); I tie him to my waist with a safety release knot to keep from holding anything. We live in the desert southwest so the climate can be extreme... but we DO run year round: we just make minor adjustments each season. In the summer- we run at night so the pavement is not hot and in the winter he wears a sweater for the chilly mornings.

    I'll also note that I run him with a choke chain. He is perfectly leash trained- but with his long sleek neck, any collar has to be very snug to keep from sliding over his head. I feel that a tight collar would be uncomfortable for him while running- so he only wears a choke when we hit the roads (it stays loose the whole time- but will NOT slip from his head if it comes down to it!)

    I would highly recommend running with your fur-babies... Talk about good motivation!

    If anyone is looking for dog recommendations... feel free to ask me about Dobes. I seriously have nothing bad to say about this dog (except that he squishes me when he tries to sit in my lap and he makes me look bad at running- haha).

    I have owned Dobies since 1987, and ran up to 10 miles with one of my previous Dobes. My current fella is a perfect trail dog, and will run right past people, dogs, and horses without even looking up. He just lays his ears back and clears the path for me.

    One thing to note about Dobies is they can carry a genetic heart issue. So check with your Vet to make sure they have a sound heart. Otherwise, they're terrific running partners.
  • 719Lily
    719Lily Posts: 9 Member
    3 year old female black lab on a leash 4 miles. Miss her when she is not with me. She keeps me going. :)
  • lwhitman4
    lwhitman4 Posts: 144 Member
    Awesome thread, J.R., and I'm glad I finally get to read through it!!

    While I don't run too much (mostly walk/jog/hike/bike... I guess what I could consider myself running would be considered jogging by other people... LOL), I occasionally take my 2 year old Boston Terrier with me during hikes. I love the companionship but it gets tricky when there's other people or animals on the trails. He listens pretty well except when he sees a person on a bike - he's scared of them. Imagining my other two dogs on the trails with me is entertaining, my Wirehair Dachshund would peter out after maybe a quarter mile, and the baby Boston Terrier... well, he's "special". Think Barney from the Simpsons. So, the oldest Boston (aptly named Indiana Jones) gets to adventure with me.

    How far do you typically run? - Hike 3-6 miles.
    What's the farthest you've run with them? Hiked 5 miles.
    What breed(s)? Boston Terrier
    Leach/ Unleashed? I have him harnessed, but I'll unhook the leash when we're not around anyone, it gives him more freedom to sniff and pee on things, and he rarely lets me get more than 20 feet away before he comes running back.
    Year-round? Except in summer. He's brachycephalic and I don't want him getting heat stroke.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    How far do you typically run? - Walk/Jog intervals, we've built up very slowly together to about 1.5 miles
    What's the farthest you've run with them? - so far about 2 miles
    What breed(s)? - American Cocker Spaniel
    Leach/ Unleashed? - Leashed
    Year-round - Sort of, but I avoid temp extremes (90 degrees and up; 20 degrees and below)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I have a 2 y.o. jack russell/beagle mix...she has her nose to the ground ALL the time so she's easier to hike with compared to running, but we have done both. At home she's just a couch potato but on the trails she can go forever!