I'm a big drinker.

I'm a big drinker. I do a lot of event work and go to a lot of corporate events for work. I also just enjoy a few ciders on a sunny saturday or a wine or 1wo with dinner. I'm a 21 year old social butterfly!
But i'm begning to realise how many of my calories are from alcohol!- this being said Since i've started my diet- i STURGGLE to eat enough calories specially if im not having a glass of wine...

I worry i'm going about this all the wrong way. Any ideas?


  • Pukenui
    Pukenui Posts: 31 Member
    Yeah it's really hard with the calorie intake from food vs booze. It comes to teh end of the day and i've got points left, not hungry so i often drink them, guessing it's not a very good idea though. Booze is really bad for putting weight around your middle! Oh and under the chin!

    Maybe just have 2-3 nights free of booze? Haha easier said than done aye! :D:drinker:
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    The problem with alcohol is that they give you NO protein (or fiber... or healthy fats... etc, but especially protein). Not only do you have to consume enough calories to stay healthy, you also have to eat enough protein to make sure you're not losing muscle mass. How is your daily protein intake?
  • MistressFox
    MistressFox Posts: 7 Member
    Ha! My middle is my killer weight gaining area! I've got a homer simpson belly!
    My protein intake as indicated on my MFP tracker is fine, Sometimes i go a few points over but.... protien most of what i eat funily enough.
    I'm not drinking on weekdays AT ALL anymore. But still weekends are a bit heavy on the drinking.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Well, the thing is, MFP's default setting for protein is rather low for people doing strength training (which everyone should do IMO). I eat 100g minimum every day, and I'm only 5' 1.5".

    I think some alcohol calories on weekends are fine... Just don't go overboard? Make sure your macros are well balanced every day of the week!
  • Paige200
    Paige200 Posts: 13 Member
    Alcohol is empty calories, it's hard to stop especially socially. The problem is that your body burns alcohol before anything else so carbs and fat get stored instead of being burned. Try increasing your fiber and cut "white" carbs.
  • MistressFox
    MistressFox Posts: 7 Member
    I do no weight training due to a joint and bone dissorder, i only do light cardio.
    I'm 5'4 and spend my weekends dancing and such at clubs and i eat no white, processed carbs.
    I've just cut out bread (i only eat gluten free but not any more) and all other carbs bar rice in small portions.

    So what you're saying is that when i have booze, my body burns that, and THEN my food intake. Makes sence!
  • Saving calories to drink every night is a deadly game in my opinion. Each to their own.

    By the way, this is quite common and has a name now. Google "Drunkorexia" for some info
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I would cut the drinking down and focus on eating more. Your diary doesn't have much in it. . .
  • MistressFox
    MistressFox Posts: 7 Member
    I don't save calories to drink- I don't eat much most of the time. My weight gain was comming from Cheese pizza, laksa and Hungry jacks. Having cut those out i just don't eat much.
    My drinking has been dramaticly cut down however.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Definitely cut the drinking down, or out - generally, I offer to DD my friends because I don't really like drinking all that much, not too crazy about not being in control.

    If you are having a hard time getting all your calories in (your diary doesn't really have much substance to it), try calorie-dense foods like peanut butter and avocados.
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    The thing with drinking is that it's awesome. I work in a pub so I hear you. Generally during the week if someone asked to by me a drink I take the money and play our deal or no deal machine, lol. But yeah it's just kind of comes with the territory in our line of work and I really have no desire to stop. I know it's bad but I'm going to use the young and dumb excuse until I can't any more.
    I definitely eat well though. I only skip food for alcohol on nights I know there will be excessive drinking( big parties and such maybe once a month)
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    You do events, you're their regular client? Then ask them to create some nutritious smoothies for you to drink while your guests are drinking booze. If you aren't hungry, you're filling up on empty calories. The most serious issue with booze is that your body requires extra thiamine when you drink, and alcohol doesn't have any. You can get nerve and brain damage.

    This is an old video about it. Ignore the actor in the beginning who clearly isn't really alcoholic; they get to real people farther in:
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    Bump, I need to read this because I dink often too. now back to ACT testing :p
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    when i first started this, i would "save" calories to drink at night, like 500 to have about 4 drinks. i would usually create a calorie deficit by working out though, so those saved calories would be from a work out. smart, right?

    i got so drunk off four drinks. i was embarrased as a man and a sailor. i do not recommend this. logging a drink or two at home with dinner is fine, but when it's a night out, eat normally during the day, and enjoy your drinkng (with moderation) at night.

  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    I cut out cider once I found out it was 250 cals per half pint. I go for vodka and diet mixer nowadays which carries less calories or a glass of wine (which I have to limit because I could drink the whole ruddy bottle). However, you still have to eat. I love having a glass of wine and doing a tray of food just for me - like hummous, cabbage, carrot, peppers, celery, extra low fat cream cheese to dip. I feel like I am being wicked but truth be told, it's not too bad. Once the wine has gone, I lose interest in the food - but top me up and *bang* pass the tray back again!!