Help on Eating...

I have just started using this program in conjunction with my diet program. My biggest problem is that I can never seem to take in all of the calories that I have been given. I always fall under. Can someone recommend or tell what they do to meet the goal of their calories each day?


  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Stay away from "diet" foods. Eat whole eggs in stead of white. Use cooking oil. Eat nuts, red meat, higher fat dairy products. I have some 160cal a serving salad dressing....
  • rlwzgd
    rlwzgd Posts: 46 Member
    I can't see your diary, so I have no idea what you are eating... But in general, take in quality calories - fruit, veggies, lean protein and nuts. Nuts have a surprising amount of calories, so try working those in where ever you can.

    Finally, make sure you are recording everything and are recording the right amount. It is so easy to forget about the sour cream on top or that sprinkle of cheese or estimate less milk than you really drank, etc. All of that adds up.
  • shawaad
    shawaad Posts: 12 Member
    Stay away from "diet" foods.

    Diet food is not a part of my vocabulary. :smile: I don't do diet foods. I just find that with all of the eating that I do, the calories just don't add up. And there are times I don't feel like eating any more after I have eaten a good meal.
  • shawaad
    shawaad Posts: 12 Member
    I can't see your diary, so I have no idea what you are eating... But in general, take in quality calories - fruit, veggies, lean protein and nuts. Nuts have a surprising amount of calories, so try working those in where ever you can.

    Finally, make sure you are recording everything and are recording the right amount. It is so easy to forget about the sour cream on top or that sprinkle of cheese or estimate less milk than you really drank, etc. All of that adds up.

    Thank you for your suggestions. I really appreciate them. I am trying to be very accurate when I post and even use my smart phone when I am away from home.
  • How many meals and snack are you eating everyday?? You want to try and eat 6 meals/snack every day. Try to make each meal/snack a balance between good fats, good protein and good carbs
  • shawaad
    shawaad Posts: 12 Member
    How many meals and snack are you eating everyday?? You want to try and eat 6 meals/snack every day. Try to make each meal/snack a balance between good fats, good protein and good carbs

    Truth tell I don't eat that many times daily. It just seems so hard to do. If I get in 2 meals a day and one snack I am doing ok. I suppose I am going to have to try to achieve that goal of 6 snacks/meals. The fruits/veggies and proteins are so filling that I don't get hungry often.